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The Desktops Summary subtab (that is, the DESKTOPS subtab) enables you to create, modify, copy, publish, and delete a designer desktop.

You can search for a desktop by its name or description by using the search box.

Creating a Designer Desktop

You can configure a designer desktop that enables you to customize the graphical layout (look and feel) of an agent desktop and the workflow. 

To create a designer desktop:

  1. On the DESKTOPS subtab, click New.
    The New Desktop window appears.
  2. Specify values in the Name and Description fields.

  3. Click Save.
    The designer desktop is created, and it appears on the DESKTOPS subtab.

You can now design pages for the designer desktop. For information about how to design pages, see Design Tab.

Modifying a Designer Desktop

To modify a designer desktop:

  1. On the DESKTOPS subtab, select the checkbox next to the designer desktop that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
    The Edit window appears.
  2. Modify the values in the Name and Description fields as required.
  3. If you want to publish the desktop, select the Published checkbox. 
  4. Click Save.

Copying a Designer Desktop

You can copy a designer desktop, along with its pages.

To copy a designer desktop:

  1. On the DESKTOPS subtab, select the checkbox next to the designer desktop that you want to copy, and then click Copy.
    The Copy window appears.
  2. Modify the values in the Name and Description fields as required, and then click Save.

Publishing a Designer Desktop

To publish a designer desktop, on the DESKTOPS subtab, select the checkbox next to the designer desktop that you want to modify, and then click Publish.

After you publish a designer desktop, you can assign it to an agent desktop. For more information, see Designer Navigation.

Deleting a Designer Desktop

When you delete a designer desktop, all the pages within the desktop are also deleted.

To delete a designer desktop, on the DESKTOPS subtab, select the checkbox next to the designer desktop that you want to delete, and then click Delete.

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