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The Analytics Dashboard under SpeechIQ is a collection of widgets that provide data such as reports and metrics at-a-glance. It provides excellent reporting and intelligence capabilities at your fingertips.

The SpeechIQ Analytics Dashboard is available to only customers with the Business Intelligence (BI) feature enabled. Contact your Account team to enable this feature. 

To access the Analytics Dashboard, navigate to the WFO tab → SpeechIQAnalytics Dashboard.

The dashboard displays the following widgets:

  • Total Inbound Calls - shows the total number of inbound calls over a specified period of time.
  • % Inbound Abandoned - shows the % of inbound calls that were abandoned over a specified period of time.
  • Service Level % - shows the quality of service of the answered calls over a specified period of time.
  • Average Speed of Answer - shows the average speed with which a call is answered over a specified period of time.
  • Average Handle Time - shows the average handle time over a specified period of time.
  • First Call Revolution -  shows the % or number of repeat callers over a specified period of time.

You can specify the time period over which you want the data displayed using the Date range filter.

Customizing the Analytics Dashboard

You can customize the Analytics dashboard to select the required filters, types of charts, and the type of data to be displayed on the dashboard.

To edit or customize the dashboard:

  1. Click the Edit button.
  2. Drag the Attribute Filter to the Drag Here holder and select the filter you want to add.
  3. To customize the cards:
    1. Click each of the cards to configure the metric and filter options.
  4. To customize the graphs:
    1. Select the graphs and click the meatballs menu (⋯), to select one of the displayed options.
    2. Select the Configuration option to add a title and select filter options.
    3. Select Interactions and choose what must be displayed upon different actions.
    4. Click Edit to make more elaborate changes.

      1. Choose the type of graph to represent the data.

      2. Select the metrics you want to use for the graph.
      3. Select the View By and Stack By options as necessary.
      4. Select the type of filters you want to use to narrow the data. Drag the filter option from the left panel to the Filters panel.
      5. Click Save As New.
  5. Click Save to save the changes to the dashboard.

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