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The Score tab of the Assessor editor allows you to search for interactions and evaluate them.

Configuring Column Display

You can configure the information to be displayed in the searched list.

To configure the display:

  1. Drag and drop the selected column header to rearrange the position of display columns.
  2. Click the column header or select the order from the drop-down arrow to sort column results in ascending or descending order.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow and select Columns.
    A list of options will be displayed
  4. Check or uncheck the options for the options for the options to be visible in the table.

Available columns are:

  • Agent - Shows the Agent Logon ID
  • Date -  The date and time of interaction is shown
  • Duration - The Actual duration the call was connected to the agent. The time is shown in Hours: Minutes: Seconds format
  • Type - Shows the Transaction Type
  • Interaction - Shows either the Phone or email details for the interaction
  • Score - Score for evaluated interactions
  • Account - Shows the Account Identification Number
  • Disposition Code - Displays the termination code of the call
  • Service - Displays the Service name
  • Call Center - DIsplays the Call center name
  • Campaign - Shows the Campaign Name
  • Original Account - The alternate account number (different from the unique account identifier within the LiveVox client's CRM platform).
  • Call Session Id - Session ID of the recording

Scoring Interactions in Assessor

Using Advanced Search Options

Click the Advanced Search icon (  ) at the upper right-hand side corner presents you with search options.

You can perform search using the following methods:

  • Tasks - Allows you to select tasks from the drop-down list. This list displays the tasks that are queued up for evaluation in the assessor.
  • Scored Only - Allows you to search for only scored interactions.
  • You can filter recordings based on the type of interaction:
    • Voice - Filter LiveVox voice channel records
    • SMS - Filter SMS channel records
    • Email - Filter Email channel records
    • Chat - Filter Chat channel records
    • Non LiveVox Call Recordings - Filter third-party call records

      Contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team to create the required FTP folder for your site. For importing a file, see Uploading Files Using SFTP Browser section of the Administrative User Guide.

  • Interaction - Allows you to filter recordings based on the specified date range, call duration, and disposition codes.
    • From - Specify start date or choose using the calendar drop-down.
    • To - Specify the end date as per your requirement.

  • The search option allows you to access call recordings based on the Days of CallRecording duration set at Client or Service level. See Client Editor - Settings Tab section for more details on Call and Screen Recording configurations. And SMS, Email, Chat, and Non LiveVox Call Recordings interaction can be searched for 60 days.
    • Duration (Sec) - Specify the time range of the interaction to narrow your results. Select the From and To values from the drop-down menu.
    • Disposition Codes - Select a disposition code from the drop-down menu to search for the recordings based on the disposition codes.
  • Contact - Allows you to search for recordings based on account, original account number, and phone number.
    • Account - Enter the account number to retrieve recordings associated with a specific account number.
    • Original Account Number - Enter alternate account number.
    • Phone - Enter the phone number to retrieve recordings associated with a specific phone number.
  • Context - Allows you to select the following:
    • Agent- Select an individual agent ID from the drop-down menu to search recordings of the specific agent.
    • Call Centers - Select required call centers from the drop-down menu to search recordings of specific call centers.
    • Services - Select required services from the drop-down menu to search recordings of specific services.

    • Recent Campaign - Select a particular campaign.

Generating Report

You can generate a report after setting the search criteria.

To generate a report, following the steps:

  1. In the Score tab, click the Run.
  2. Based on the search criteria, a report is generated.
  3. To export the report, click Export.
    The Report is downloaded in a CSV format.

If the first column is empty, the interaction needs to be evaluated. Clicking in the empty column takes you to the evaluation screen. Please refer to Evaluating an Interaction and Utilizing Recordings for Coaching/E-Learning section on the same page. If the first column shows plus sign (+), then the interaction is evaluated. Clicking the plus sign (+) provides you additional details of the scored interaction. You can view the following details

  • Score - Score of the interaction
  • Adjusted score - Adjusted score of the interaction
  • Date - Date on which the interaction is scored
  • Assessor - User name of the assessor (who scored the interaction)
  • Score Card - Score card name
  • Failed - Status of the scored interaction
  • Completed - Status of the scored interaction
  • Agent Response - Acknowledgement comment entered by the agent
  • Acknowledgement Date - Date of Acknowledgement
  • Arbitrator - User name of the arbitrator
  • Arbitration Date - Date of arbitration

Evaluating Interactions and Utilizing Recordings for Coaching/E-Learning

You can select, double-click an interaction from the searched list to access and evaluate recordings. The Evaluation screen shows a visualization of Customer and Agent's voice energies in a waveform. 

To evaluate an interaction:

  1. Select the Scorecard which you wish to use for the evaluation from scorecard drop-down. This presents you with questions created within the scorecard.

  2. Choose answers to the questions and click Save.

You can save the evaluation even if you do not complete all the required questions. However, the status of such evaluation remains incomplete until all the required questions are answered.

Once you close the saved evaluation, you can review the evaluation for scored interactions.

Evaluation screen of a scored interaction displays scorecard details, score and provides you the ability to Rescore and Export the evaluation of an interaction. You can perform the following actions on this screen:

  • Click  icon to playback the recording. You can increase the speed of playback for Audio and Video playback by selecting the speed from the drop-down menu.
  • Click  or  to forward or rewind multimedia by 15 seconds.
  • Click  icon to add audio note with category while the playback is in progress. The Audio Note screen appears.

    • Add your comments in the text box. 
    • Select Range to specify Start and End time and mark a specific event in the call.
    • Select Coaching to note a specific section of the call for coaching. 
    • Select a category from Category drop-down, when adding an audio note for the call. See WFO Config section for information on creating categories.
  • Click  icon to add an audio note with category to mark a specific event in the call while the playback is paused.

  • Click  icon to view all the audio notes.

You can mark a recording as an item for Content Library or as a Coaching task while evaluating the call. 

  • To create a Coaching task:
    1. Click Coach Task option to mark a recording as an item for the Coaching task. You are presented with the Create Coaching Task screen.
    2. Assign Priority and Due Date to the task.
    3. Click Create to create a task. This task can be assigned to the agent for review.
  • To add the recording to Content Library:

    1. Click eLearning Library option to mark a recording as an item for Content Library.

    2. Add a Name, Description, Category, and Section to the recording.

    3. Click Add Content to add the recording to Content Library. 

  • Video playback is synchronized with audio and can be displayed in different views.
  • Audio Notes helps you mark a specific event in the call. For example, when listening to a recording you notice that the agent placed a customer's call on hold without informing the customer about the hold. You can mark that moment in time on the audio call time bar by adding an audio note with a comment: customer not informed about the hold time.
  • No labels