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Navigate to the Report Writer by selecting Configure > Input/Output > Report Writer from the Navigation Panel.

The Report Writer main screen offers the following tabs and buttons:

  •  Tabs
    • General  Displays the main properties for the selected report.
    • Change History  Tracks and displays the changes made to the Report Writer.
    • Filters – Displays the available filters for the selected report.
  • Buttons
    • Add Mapping – Adds mapping to the selected report format.
    • Delete Mapping – Deletes the selected mapping.
    • Copy Format – Copies the selected format to generate a new one.
    • Add New Format – Creates a new format.
    • Delete Format – Deletes the selected format.
    • Save Format – Saves all updates in the Report Writer.

Review Create a Custom Call Detail Report for additional details on the use of this tool.

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