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If multiple policies exist for the same state, the most conservative approach is applied to the state. To understand which of the policies takes precedence when contacting a customer, consider the following scenarios.


Scenario 1

The following types of policies exist on the Voice or SMS tab:

  • Policy 1: State = California; Start Time = 09:00
  • Policy 2: State = California; Start Time = 10:00

The policy with the latest start time (that is, Policy 2) is considered.

Scenario 2

The following types of policies exist on the Voice or SMS tab:

  • Policy 1: State = California; End Time = 21:00
  • Policy 2: State = California; End Time = 20:00

The policy with the earliest end time (that is, Policy 2) is considered.


The following types of policies exist on the Voice tab:

  • Policy 1: State = California; Start Time = 10:00; End Time = 20:00
  • Policy 2: State = California; Do Not Dial = true

The policy in which the Do Not Dial checkbox is selected (that is, Policy 2) is considered; thus, the customer is not contacted.


The following types of policies exist on the SMS tab:

  • Policy 1: State = California; Start Time = 10:00; End Time = 20:00
  • Policy 2: State = California; Do Not Text = true

The policy in which the Do Not Text checkbox is selected (that is, Policy 2) is considered; thus, the customer is not contacted.

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