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The Keyword by Agent report shows the keyword use by the agents in all of their interactions. To access the Keyword by Agent report, othe WFO tab, click SpeechIQ > Reporting > Keyword by Agent.

  • To access a report for a different period or for different parameters, use the Advanced Search icon (). For more information, see Creating a Saved Search.
  • To add the report as an automated report, see Creating Automated Reports.
  • To export a report to a Microsoft Excel workbook, click the Export icon ().
  • To customize the table columns view, see the instructions in the Customizing a Table section in SpeechIQ Reporting.
  • To refresh the list, click the Refresh icon ().

Report Data Descriptions

The following table describes the statistics displayed in the Keyword by Agent report.

Agent NameNames of agents.
Total CallsThe percentages of the keyword usage in the calls. 
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