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Navigate to the Jobs editor by selecting Configure > Input/Output > Jobs from the Navigation Panel.

To view a job select its name from the Job drop down as shown below. To include disabled jobs, check Show disabled box.

The Jobs editor offers the following tabs and buttons:

  • Tabs
    • General – Displays steps of the automation for a selected job in sequential order along with the step's Name, Type, Next Success Step (what happens if step works), and Next Failure Step (what happens if step doesn't work).
      •  Trigger Type field is a view only field that describes the trigger for the job:
        • Campaign - if the job requirement is to generate reporting job for every campaign. The job will run when a campaign ends (EOC).
        • Scheduled - if the job requirement is to post the reports every day (EOD), hourly, weekly or monthly.
        • FTPin – if you are using LiveVox SFTP site to upload campaign files, FTPin job and this type of trigger are setup by default to ensure a file is moved once it is posted to your SFTP site.

Please note, that you can have as many Scheduled jobs as you would like but only one Campaign and one FTPin jobs.

      • Double-click a step's row to view the detailed settings involved with the step.
        • An Email step will define who receives the generated email, an FTPOutCopy step will define where the file is copied, etc.
      • For more information on success/failure, see section Success/Failure Notifications.
    • Schedules Displays job schedules (enabled time and next scheduled execution).

    • Job History – Displays historical view of the Job - the last execution of each job step. See section on Success/Failure Notifications for further information on the Job History tab.
  • Buttons
    • Refresh - Updates the screen.
    • Cancel - cancels search and returns to the previous screen.
  • No labels