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The http module allows you to design contact flows that query external HTTP web services and then use the query results in the contact flow.

You can configure web service interactions by supplying the web services URL, parameters, credentials, timeout, and variables to store the response result. The parameters enable you to configure it with notation specifying the source of the value. The outcomes are saved as variables and interact with the contact flow through the Contact Flow Variables button.

Message PropertiesDefinition
Service URL

The URL and the protocol (http or https) for web services interactions.

Format: https://URL/Path

Request MethodThe HTTP request method (GET or POST). The default value is get.
Request Parameter Mapping

The parameters sent to the Service URL when submitting the HTTP request.

Double-click the Value field to open the http_request_parameters window. The details that you enter are stored in key-value format.

For example: [{"var_name":"phoneNumber","var_value_visible":"ACCOUNT","var_value":"{\"type\":\"alpha_numeric\", \"name\":\"account\"}","default_value":"phone_dialed","type":"alpha_numeric"}]

Response Variables Mapping

The mapping of the returned JSON response from the web services and the variables storing the JSON response fields.

For example: {"phone_lookup_result":"Message","account_number":"AccountNumber"}

Advanced PropertiesDefinition
Authentication Mode

Sets the authentication mode to none or basic.

Basic requires the parameters Authentication User Name (HTTP_USERNAME) and Authentication Password (HTTP_PASSWORD).

Authentication User NameThe username to use when Authentication Mode (HTTP_AUTH_MODE) is Basic. If the username is null, then authorization is disabled.
Authentication PasswordThe password to use when Authentication Mode (HTTP_AUTH_MODE) is Basic. If the password is null, then authorization is disabled.
Connection TimeoutThe request timeout (in milliseconds) when establishing the connection. An error occurs if the connection time exceeds this value.
Read TimeoutThe request timeout (in milliseconds) when reading the input data.
Request Header MappingThe annotation used to map web requests onto specific handler classes and/or handler methods. Headers can support functions related to Content Type, Accept Type, or API Authentication Key.
Request Type (Content-Type)Sets the content request data type (text/plain, application/json, application/xml).
Response Type (Accept)Sets the content response data type (text/plain, application/json, application/xml).
Internal ACD RequestEnable internal ACD requests. (Yes/No)

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