Page tree

The Director tab enables you to customize the agent desktop to trigger specific APIs, pages, or components that allow agents to perform a specific action upon the selection of an event. This tab is enabled only at the desktop level.

Adding an Event

To add an event for a desktop:

  1. Select the desktop for which you want to add an action.
  2. Click New.
    The Event Properties window appears.
  3. In the Event Type field, select the type of event that you want to configure.

    This field contains the following options:

    • System: Enables you to configure system-defined events. 
      1. Select a system event in the field. The available events are: In Call, Logoff, Not Ready, Ready, and Wrap Up. 
      2. In the Source page field, select an option. An event is initiated from the selected page.
    • User: Enables you to define an event.
      1. In the Source page field, select an option.  An event is initiated from the selected page.
      2. In the Components field, select an option. An event is from the selected component.
      3. In the User Events field, select the required event.
  4. Add an event condition by using the Edit button. 
  5. Define actions for the event in the Actions section.

    1. In the Action Type field, select an action type. The following options are available:

        1. Select an API to call the method.
        2. Select an API method name in the Method field.
        3. Select the component to trigger the action. 
      • PAGE TRANSITION: In the Target Page field, select an option.
        The selected page is displayed on the desktop when the event occurs. 
      • COMPONENT LOAD: In the Target Component field, select an option.
        The selected component is displayed on the desktop when the event occurs. 
  6. Click Save.

For information about how to can configure API names and methods, see APIs Tab.

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