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The Credit Card Advanced widget allows you to set Message prompts for agents, Card types, Payment Gateway, and Advanced configurations. It enables an agent to guide the customer through the payment information-gathering process by speaking the required instructions directly to the customer, specifying the customer demographic, as well as make payment arrangements. For information on how to add the widget, see Interoperability of Secure Payment Capture (SPC) Widgets.

Advanced configuration requires web service integration with your payment processor's gateway via web service APIs.

The following table describes the fields you must configure in the Add - Credit Card - Advanced window.

Window TitleEnter the widget name.


Click the checkbox to enable the widget on the extended panel of the agent desktop.
Message Config tab

Allows you to configure agent prompts and card types.

Credit Card Text

Enter the message prompt for the credit card number.

Expiry Text

Enter the message prompt for the credit card expiration date.

Security Text

Enter the message prompt for the security code.

Credit Card Types

Select from the following card types to capture the payment:

  • Visa
  • Master Card
  • American Express
  • Discover

Click OK to save the changes.

Payment Gateway Config tab

Allows you to configure the web service URL, response keys, success or failure values to be extracted from the response, and additional parameters when sending the request.

Service URL

Enter the URL of the payment gateway.

Response Success Key

Enter the name of the key variable which will be searched in the response for interpreting the success or failure of the request.

Response Success Value

Enter the expected value of the success key which will be treated as the success of the request.

Response Agent Message Key

If response variables are activated, enter the name of the key variable which will be searched in the response for interpreting as an agent message.

Contact to activate all response variables for use in the Response Agent Message Key. 

Request Param Mapping

Allows you to configure additional parameters which will be passed when making the request to the payment gateway. Use the Add and Delete buttons to configure the additional parameters.

Click OK to save the changes.

Advanced Config tab

Allows you to configure payment gateway connectivity-related parameters which will be used when calling the HTTPS API of the payment gateway.

Auth Method

Select the authorization method from the drop-down which will be used to connect to the payment gateway. The available options are None and Basic.

Auth User Name

Enter the authorized user name for accessing the payment gateway.

Auth Password

Enter the password for your Auth User Name.

Connection Timeout

Enter the time in milliseconds which will be used as a timeout when making the connection to the payment gateway.

Read Timeout

Enter the time in milliseconds which will be used as a timeout when waiting for the response from the payment gateway.

Request Type

Select the value from the drop-down which will be used as the content type to send the HTTPS request to the payment gateway.

Response Type

Select the value from the drop-down which will be used as the content type for the response received from the payment gateway.

Request Header Mapping

Allows configuring parameters which will be passed in HTTPS Header when making the request to payment gateway. Use Add and Delete buttons to configure the additional parameters.

Click OK to save the changes.

Click the Save Agent Desktop button to save all the changes.

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