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The Content Library feature enables you to create e-learning content. You can add and store documents in PDF, CSV, PPT, Word formats, and include external links to the Content library. The Assessor allows you to mark a recording as an item for the Content Library and a Coaching task. With e-learning content, you can provide better guidance to your agents and help enhance their skills. To access the Content Library, navigate to WFO > E-Learning> Content Library:

Adding Content to the Content Library

  1. On the WFO tab, click Elearning > Content Library.
    The E-Learning Content Library window is displayed.
  2. Click Upload Content.
    The Content Form window appears.
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • File: Enables you to add the content from your computer.
      1. Click the Search icon.
        The Open window is displayed.
      2. Go to the local directory containing the e-learning content file you want to add, select the file, and then click Open.
        The file is added.
    • External URLEnables you to add the content from an external web page by specifying the address of the page.
      In the Url field, specify the web page address.
  4. In the Name field, specify a name for the content.
  5. In the Category field, specify a category for the content.
  6. In the Description field, specify a description for the content.
  7. Click Save, and then click Publish.

    You can now assign the e-learning content to the agents.

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