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You can view and edit existing CDR (Call Detail Report) formats from the Report Writer tool. Generally, CDR reports are used to display customized columns of information on all calls and do not perform any analysis. A CDR format defines the information which will be displayed and allows the filtering of data based on certain criteria.

View your existing formats by selecting their name from the Report Format drop down.

  • Create new custom CDRs by selecting the Add New Format or Copy Format button from the bottom menu.

The following settings under General tab can be customized for the report format (each format is represented by a unique Format ID):

  • The Name (used to refer to the format throughout the LVP) and the Description (provides additional information).
  • Choose the desired option from the Highest Priority Only drop down:
    1. If None is selected, the CDR will have a record for each call attempt made for all accounts.
    2. If Account is selected, the CDR will display the records with the "best" result across all campaigns from which we tried to contact the account ( best result is the last attempt that is considered successful)
    3. If Account Transaction ID is selected, the CDR will display the records with the "best" result across multiple attempts from a single campaign.

  • Choose the desired field Delimiter and if the field description header (Print Header box) will be included in the output file or not.
  • Sort By Field drop down options define how the results should be arranged, and Sort Order drop down sets whether this sort is Ascending or Descending.
  • Add Quotes To option allows you to specify if no fields, all fields, or only those containing the delimiter should be placed in quotes.
  • Select the line break style from the Line Break drop down.

You may add mappings (CDR data columns) to the format by selecting the Add Mapping button from the bottom menu. This will open Add Mapping screen.

The following options define a mapping: in the Add Mapping UI select a data field from the available tables and indicate a header name for the column.

  • The Table and Field values are required for each mapping. Header is the name defined by you and assigned to the mapping's column.

For assistance regarding table/field definitions, please contact LiveVox Client Services.

  • If a date or time DB field is mapped, a Date Format is required. Selecting a Timezone is optional – by default all times will be EST.
  • If a phone DB field is mapped, the Number Format must be set.
  • If the report format is fixed width instead of delimited the following fields are required:
    • Fixed Width Size
    • Padding Chars
    • Alignment

  • Select Ok to add mapping.

Edit an existing mapping by double clicking on the row to open the Edit Mapping screen.

  • Once all required mappings have been added or edited, select the Save Format button to save the new report format.
  • The format will now be available for use with your data.
    • Open the Call Detail Reports (CDR) report, and choose your format from the Report Format dropdown.
    • Using the Filter tab you can exclude or include certain outcomes, groups of outcomes, or results from certain campaign types.
  • Create or edit the Detailed Result Filter to only display wanted results on your CDR. Selecting the Create New filter option opens the Detailed Result Filter screen.

  • Add a filter name, select a filter type, and choose the specific result codes to include or exclude.

Selected results are blue. Select multiple codes by holding the CTRL key when clicking. To deselect a result CTRL-click on the selected row.

To view a list of Termination Codes mapped to results consult the Termination Codes tab of Services editor.

  • Click Ok to save updates.

Additional outcome filtering options are available from the Filters tab that works in conjunction with the Detailed Result Filter.

  • To select a specific type, click on the option (select multiple by holding down CTRL). To deselect the type, CTRL- click on the selected option.
    • Exclude Not Connected - removes the not connected system outcomes.
    • Exclude Not Made - removes the not made system outcomes.
    • Exclude Result Type - removes System, agent, or neither outcomes.
    • Call Direction - includes only outcomes from an inbound, outbound, or blended service.
    • Campaign Type - includes only outcomes that came from an outbound, callback, inbound, scheduled callback, or manual campaign.
    • Call Type - includes only outcomes that were handled with Preview or a Manual service.
    • Transaction Type - includes only phone calls that were outbound, callback, or an SMS.
  • Once all required types have been selected, click Save Format button to save the new filter for the report format.
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