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Create a Contact

You can create new contacts through Ticketing. Navigate to Config > Ticketing > Tickets > Contacts tab to create a new contact:

  1. Click New at the top left of Ticketing. New Contact window appears.

  2. Fill in the necessary information. New Contact record contains the following details:
    1. General
      • Allows you to add general contact details such as Name, Salutation, Contact Number, SSN (Social Security Number), present payment Balance, Amount To Speak, Due Date etc. You can block a contact daily or permanently by selecting the appropriate Contact Block option.
    2. Address
      • Allows you to add contact address.
    3. Other
      • Allows you to add any other details of the contact such as Guarantor name, Date Of Birth, Department etc. You can utilize the Agent and Agent Team fields to assign contact ownership to an agent or agent team.
  3. Click Save.

See Contact Manager: Contacts Tab section for field descriptions.

Delete a Contact

To delete a contact record:

  1. Double-click a selected contact to open the contact record.
  2. Select More button at the top right corner of the record.
  3. Select Delete.
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