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Ticket allows you to manage your contacts within the Ticketing system.

To create a contact through Ticketing:

  1. On the Configure tab of the LiveVox Portal (LVP), click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Accounts, Contacts, and Tickets tabs.
  2. On the Contacts tab, click NewAlternatively, on the Contacts menu, you can click New Contact.
    The New Contact window appears.
  3. Specify values in the fields.

    For information about the fields, see Contact Field Descriptions vU15.

  4. Click Save.
    The contact is created, and the details of the contact appear on the Contacts tab.

In the window displaying the contact details, you can:

  • Create another contact by clicking New.
  • Create an account, ticket, task, or note for the contact by clicking the AccountTicket, Task, or Note option on the New menu.
  • Link the contact to an existing account or ticket by clicking the Account or Ticket option on the Link menu.
  • Delete the contact by clicking Delete on the More menu.
  • Go to the previous window by clicking the Close icon (Close icon).
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