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Contact view is a customized view of a table containing contacts, intended to help you and your agents to easily segment, track, prioritize, or manage contacts. You can define a contact view based on all properties (system and custom) of a contact and also based on conditional logic (advanced criteria). In addition, you can define who can view or modify a contact view. 

Contact views appear in the Select a predefined view field in the Contacts section that appears when you go to Ticketing Tickets on the Configure tab. For agents and agent teams, they appear in the Select a predefined view field in the Contacts List section of their Agent Desktops.

Creating and Design a Contact View

To create and design a contact view:

  1. On the Configure tab, go to Contacts > Contact Views
    The Contact Admin window appears.
  2. On the Views tab, click New.
    The New Contacts View window appears.
  3. Specify values in the following fields, and then click Save.
    • Name: Name for the filter.
    • Description: Description for the filter.
      The contact filter is created. The Design tab appears.
  4. On the Filter Criteria tab, specify the filter criteria as required.

    • Both system fields and custom fields appear on the tab.
    • When specifying the filter criterion for a custom field, ensure that you also specify the filter criterion for at least one system field.
    • You cannot specify the filter criteria for more than two custom fields.

  5. On the Fields to Display tab, in the Available section, select the fields that you want to appear in the filter, and then click right arrow icon.
    The selected fields appear in the Selected section.

    • You can filter the fields in the Available or Selected section by using the Filter by name box.
    • The Selected section displays all the fields that appear in the filter. If you do not want a field to appear in the filter, select the field in the Selected section, and then click left arrow icon.
    • To revert all your changes, click reset icon.
  6. If you want only certain users to be able to modify the filter, on the Restrict Editors tab, select the Users option, and then, in the Available section, select the names of the users to whom you want to provide the ability to modify the filter, and then click right arrow icon.
    The selected names appear in the Selected section.

    • You can filter the names in the Available or Selected section by using the Filter by name box.
    • The Selected section displays all the users who can modify the filter. If you do not want a user to be able to modify the filter, select their name in the Selected section, and then click left arrow icon.
    • To revert all your changes, click reset icon.
  7. If you want only certain users, agent teams, or agents to be able to view the filter when they view a contact table, on the Restrict Visibility tab, select Users, Agent Teams, or Agents, as required, and then, in the Available section, select the names of the users, agent teams, or agents to whom you want to provide the ability to view the filter, and then click right arrow icon.

    • For users, contact filters appear in the Select a predefined view box in the Contacts section, which appears when they go to Ticketing > Tickets on the Configure tab.
    • For agent teams and agents, contact filters appear in the Select a predefined view box in the Contacts List section of their Agent Desktops.

    The selected names appear in the Selected section.

    • You can filter the names in the Available or Selected section by using the Filter by name box.
    • The Selected section displays all the users, agent teams, or agents who can view the filter. If you do not want a user, agent team, or agent to be able to view the filter, select their name in the Selected section, and then click left arrow icon.
    • To revert all your changes, click reset icon.
    • The Summary section displays a summary of all your changes.
  8. Click Save.
    The design of the contact filter is saved.
  • You can preview the contact filter on the Preview tab.
  • You can modify, copy, and delete a contact filter by selecting the filter on the Views tab and then using the Edit, Copy, or Delete button, respectively.
  • You can modify the design of a filter by double-clicking the filter on the Views tab.
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