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The Groups tab enables you to create, modify, and delete contact groups within Contact Manager. The tab displays the following columns:

  • ID: ID of the contact group.
  • Group Name: Name to identify the contact group.
  • Caller ID: Caller ID of the contact group.
  • Callback Number: Callback number of the contact group.
  • Email: Email ID of the contact group.
  • Created By: Name of the user who created the contact group.
  • Modified By: Name of the user who last modified the contact group.

Contact groups support caller ID, callback Number, and email association when creating or modifying a contact group. In addition to the phone number association, each contact group displays all the associated contacts and any phone+contact group DNCs that are active in the DNC settings.

To create a contact group, in Contact Manager, on the Groups tab, use Add.

  • You can delete the contact group that is no longer associated with any entities within the platform (for example, contacts, phone, or DND) by using the Delete button. 
  • You can assign a contact to a contact group by double-clicking the contact within Contact Manager and then selecting a group in the Group field.
  • You can associate a contact group as the source for caller ID or callback number when creating a campaign through Contact Manager. This enables you to group agents in a single service or a call center without the need to split campaigns based on different portfolios.
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