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You can use the Audio Comments Categories editor to create, update, and delete categories that you can use to add audio comments when manually scoring an interaction. You can use the categories created in this editor to add an audio comment with a category to mark a specific event or indication in the call.

Accessing the Audio Comments Categories 

To access the Audio Comments Category, othe WFO tab, click Conversation ConfigurationAudio Comments Categories

The Audio Comments Categories List window appears.

  • To search for a specific category, use the Filter field.  
  • To customize the table columns view, see the instructions in the Customizing a Table section in SpeechIQ Reporting.
  • To refresh the list, click the Refresh icon (Refresh icon).

Adding an Audio Comment Category

To add a new audio comment category:

  1. In the Audio Comments Categories window, click
    The New Audio Comment Category popup window appears.

  2. Specify a name for the audio comment category in the Name field.
  3. Click Save.
  • For more information about adding audio comments with categories, see the Search and Score section.
  • To modify an audio comment category name, select the audio comment category that you want to modify and click Edit, or double-click the audio comment category. You can change the name in the Edit Audio Comment Category popup window.
  • To delete an audio comment category, select the audio comment category and click Delete.

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