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To make a Designer Desktop available for your agents, in addition to publishing the Designer Desktop, you must assign the Designer Desktop to an Agent Desktop.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the Designer Desktop that you want to assign to an Agent Desktop is published

To assign a Designer Desktop to an Agent Desktop:

  1. On the Configure tab of the LiveVox Portal (LVP), click Agents > Agent Desktop.
    The Agent Desktop window appears.
  2. In the Desktops field, select the Agent Desktop to which you want to assign a Designer Desktop.
  3. Select the Agent Panel + Designer option.
    The Designer tab appears.
  4. On the Designer tab, in the Designer Desktop field, select the Designer Desktop that you want to assign to the Agent Desktop.

    You can refresh the list of options in the Designer Desktop field by clicking the Refresh List icon .

  5. Click Save Agent Desktop.
    The selected Designer Desktop is assigned to the Agent Desktop.

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