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After adding content to the Library, you can determine the training needs of agents and assign one or more items to an agent. E-Learning Assignment allows you to search for the appropriate training material from the Content Library and assign it to agents. To access the E-Learning Assignment, navigate to WFO > E-Learning > Assignment:

Assign Content to Agents

  1. Select Create Task option at the bottom left of the Assignment window.
  2. Click Manage Content button to search for the appropriate training material from the Content Library and select one or more items. You can use the following search criteria while searching the Content Library:

    1. Category

    2. Sub-category

    3. Creator of Library item

    4. Template

    5. Type of material - PPT, recording

    6. Title of Library item

  3. Click Assign Agents button to select an agent or agents who require the training.
  4. Enter the Task Name.
  5. Select the E-Learning Category.
  6. Add the Task Description.
  7. Set the priority for the task. You can set any of the following Priority types:

    • High - To be completed immediately

    • Medium - To be completed within the next 48 hours

    • Low - To be completed as work allows

  8. Assign a Due Date for the e-Learning material.
  9. Click Accept.
  10. Click Save and then click Publish.

  • Once assigned, the e-Learning module creates an e-Learning task in the Agent Work Queue.
  • After the agent completes the task, you receive a notification task. You can view the details such as, name of the agent who has completed the task, task type, completion date, and assignment date.

Filter Assignments

You can use the Advanced Search option, to view only specific assignments from the list of assignments displayed on the Assignment window.

  1. Click on the Advanced Search icon on the top right corner of the Assignment window.
  2. Enter values in any/all of the following fields, as required:
    1. Name of the assignment
    2. Priority
    3. Status
    4. Assigned to
    5. Created by
    6. Assigned date range
    7. Completed date range
    8. Created date range
    9. Due date range
  3. Click Search.
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