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Designing Scorecard

The Design-Scorecard tab allows you to design dynamic scorecards, assign scorecard to a specific service, and utilize these scorecards to score calls.

Adding a Scorecard

You can design your scorecards and provide Acknowledgement and Arbitration abilities to an agent and arbitrator through the scorecard.

To add a new scorecard:

  1. Click the Add button from the bottom left of Scorecards panel.
  2. Add Scorecard Name.
  3. Add scorecard Description.
  4. Assign the scorecard to an existing group by selecting a group from drop-down menu or create a new group by adding group name in Group field.
  5. Select Acknowledgement, if you want to add an evaluation with Acknowledgement request to Agent Work Queue for the agent to acknowledge the same.
  6. Select Arbitration, if you want to provide support for alternative dispute resolution to the agent.
  7. Assign Arbitrator for arbitration by selecting an arbitrator from drop-down menu. Arbitrators are first assigned through WFO Config before you assign the tasks to a particular Arbitrator's work queue by selecting arbitrator from Available column.

  8. Click Save.

    If a scorecard utilized for evaluating a call has Acknowledgement and Arbitration enabled, then following dispute resolution method is provided to agents:

    • Agents can view notification of a new task with Acknowledgement request in Agent's Work Queue and review the evaluation in a form.
    • Agents can select appropriate Acknowledgement option and submit the response. If an agent chooses to Dispute the evaluation, the task is moved to Arbitrators work queue for review.
    • An evaluation or arbitration is complete, when an agent acknowledges it. The evaluation is moved from In Process status and is marked as complete.

Adding Questions to Scorecard

After adding the scorecard, you can create a tree of questions by adding new questions or cloning existing questions. You can create root questions, follow up questions and same level questions.

To add a new question:

  • Click the Add button from the bottom left of the Questions panel. This presents you with Properties and Answers tabs on right-hand side panel.
    1. Properties tab:
      1. Enter Question Name.
      2. Add Question Text.
      3. Select Question Type from drop-down menu. You can create either of the following types of questions - Multiple Choice, Short Answer or Closed-Ended (Yes or No).
      4. Assign Weight to the question.
      5. Select Group from drop-down menu to map the question to a specific group or create a new group by adding the group name in Group field.
    2. Answers Tab:

      1. Add the answer to question as a Label.
      2. Assign Score to the answer. Score is similar to Weight that you assign to question, hence it impacts the overall score.
      3. Select Fail box to add an answer to failed list.

Once you add the questions and finish designing scorecard, click Save to save scorecard and Publish to utilize the same for evaluating calls. See Assessor - Score tab for more information on evaluating calls.

You can utilize the following options to modify the Questions:

NameDisplays the name of question.

Allows you to add follow up question by clicking  icon.


Allows you to add Next question by clicking  icon.

TriggerDisplays if the question triggers a follow up question.

Allows you to delete a question by clicking   icon.

TextDisplays question text.
TypeDisplays question type.
WeightDisplays weight assigned to a question.
OptionalAllows you to select question as optional.

Clone Questions to a Specific Scorecard

  1. Select the Scorecard where you want to clone and save questions.
  2. Click the Clone button to clone questions from the existing scorecards. This presents you with Clone Questions screen.
  3. Click the arrow to expand and view questions listed in the scorecard(s).
  4. Select the questions you want to clone to your scorecard and click OK.

Click Cancel to exit Clone Questions screen.

Assigning Scorecard to a Service

You can assign the Scorecard to a particular service and utilize the same when scoring calls assigned to that particular service. To assign Scorecard to a service:

  1. Click Assign Scorecard to Service button at the bottom right corner of the Scorecards panel to assign the scorecard you built to a particular service.
  2. Select the Service you want from available list of services.
  3. Select Scorecard drop-down to the right of selected service.
  4. Select the scorecard you want to assign to selected service.

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