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The Agent Schedule Adherence dashboard displays the scheduling adherence and conformance data for a single day and multiple days. Data for a single day is further divided into summary and hourly information. You can use this dashboard to ensure that the call center agents work efficiently within their set schedules.

Accessing the Agent Schedule Adherence Dashboard

To access the dashboard:

  1. On the WFO tab, click Workforce Management> Agent Schedule Adherence.
  2. Click the required tab:
    • Multi-Day
    • Single Day Hourly
    • Single Day Summary
  3. Set the following input filter criteria:
    • Date: Type in the date or click  and select the date. For Multi-Day, select the Date Range. You can select a date range of up to a month.
    • Time Range: Click  and select the time range.
    • Agent: Select the required agents.
    • Agent Team: Select the required agent teams.
    • Shift: Select the required shifts.
    • Call Center: Select the required call centers.
    • Area: Select the required area. It is a unique parameter for a shift that helps define work function, location, or any other specific aspect of the shift that does not fall within the standard parameters of the shift definition.
  4. Click Apply to apply the criteria.

The Agent Scheduler Adherence window also contains the following additional agent statistics.

  • Multi-Day
    • Scheduled Time: Total scheduled work time.
    • Actual Time: Total time an agent logs into a desktop and performs work.
    • Active Time: Total of waiting time + Incall time + Wrap up time expressed as HH:MM:SS (Hours:Minutes:Seconds).
    • Time in Adherence: Total time of agent adherence to the scheduled time.

When you click a specific date on the date column header, the details of that date appear in the Single Day Hourly.

  • Single Day Hourly
    Displays the graphical representation of scheduled and actual time with different colors for each of the following statistics:
    • Scheduled Active
    • Scheduled Break
    • Actual Active

      To view the additional statistics, click Show More Stats on the bottom right corner.

    • Actual Break
    • Out of Adherence

When you click on a specific agent record from the Agent column, the details of that agent are displayed in the Single Day Detail tab.

  • Single Day Detail
    • Scheduled time
    • Actual time
    • Duration
    • Scheduled Activity
    • Actual Activity
    • Description
  • Thresholds
    Compliance thresholds are used to highlight statistics that are out of compliance, based on the values you define. Compliance thresholds are indicated by red cells in reports.
    • Adherence Percentage: Enter a value that indicates an agent's conformance with the scheduled tasks for the contact center, in percentage. The value represents the time during which an agent works on the scheduled tasks, expressed as a percentage of the time during which they are scheduled to work. The work time includes call time, call wrap time, and scheduled activities such as meetings and trainings.
      The formula used to calculate this value is: (Time spent working / Total scheduled time) x 100.
      Example: If you expect your agents to conform to the scheduled tasks 85 percent of the time, enter the value 85.
    • Occupancy Percentage: Enter a value that indicates an agent's occupancy for the contact center, in percentage. The value represents the time during which an agent handles calls and performs related activities in the ready state, expressed as a percentage of the time during which they are available.
      The formula used to calculate this value is: (Time spent in the ready state / Total available time) x 100.
      Example: If you expect your agents to handle calls or perform other scheduled tasks 95 percent of the total time that they are available to do so, enter the value 95.
    • Utilization Percentage: Enter a value that indicates an agent's utilization for the contact center, in percentage. The value represents the amount of time during which an agent handles calls and performs related activities in the ready state, expressed as a percentage of the time during which they are scheduled to work.
      The formula used to calculate this value is: (Time spent in the ready state / Total scheduled time) x 100.
      Example: If you expect your agents to handle calls or perform other scheduled tasks 90 percent of the total time that they are scheduled to do so, enter the value 90.
    • Conformance Percentage: Enter a value that indicates an agent's conformance with the scheduled work duration for the contact center, in percentage. The value represents the time during which an agent works, expressed as a percentage of the time during which they are scheduled to work.
      The formula used to calculate this value is: (Time spent working / Total scheduled time) x 100.
      Example: If you expect your agents to work 98 percent of the total time that they are scheduled to do so (including starting early or finishing late), enter the value98.


      The conformance percentage might be higher than 100% if agents work for a duration that exceeds the scheduled work duration.

    • Schedule Adherence Tolerance: Enter the amount of time that indicates the gap between two events that are initiated by agents and must be reported, in seconds.
      Example: If you want the time between the last reported event and the event that must be next reported to be five seconds, enter the value 5. This ensures that any event that occurs five seconds after the last reported event is reported.
  • No labels