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You can use the Agent Averages widget of the voice monitor dashboard to view a chart of the distribution of the average duration spent by the agents who are signed in to outbound services in a specific state (such as In Call, Not Ready, Ready, or Wrapup). You can view this statistic for the last half hour or for the current day in real time by using the Last 30 Minutes option or the Real Time option in the drop-down arrow on the widget. 

  • This widget is available at the enterprise, call center, and service levels.
  • For information about how to access the voice monitor dashboard for a given level, see Monitor Tab.

Agent Averages Widget

The value that appears next to a state outside the chart indicates the average duration that the agents have spent in the state. This value is represented in the following format: hours: minutes: seconds. The same value is expressed as a percentage in the parentheses.

If you do not want to view the statistic of a given state in the chart, click that state outside the chart. 

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