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To add a new mapping column in the export format:

  1. In the Export Format screen, select the Editor from the drop down list.
  2. Click Add Mapping from the bottom menu. The Add Mapping window appears.

  3. Specify all the mapping details. The following options define a mapping: 
    • EntitySelect the required editor from the Entity drop-down list. 

      The values displayed in the Entity drop down list varies based on the Editor selected.

    • Field: Select the required field from the drop-down list. This selected field is going to be a column in your export file. 

      The values displayed in the Field drop down list varies based on the Entity selected.

    • Header: Displays text as Active Agent for Contact and Agent editors, and Account for Report Map. 
    • Hide: Check the box if you need to hide the field.
    • Date Format: Select the date format option depending on the field you are adding. For example, if a date or time DB field is mapped, you must select a date format from the Date Format drop-down list.  
    • Time Zone: Select a time zone from the drop-down list (optional).
    • Number Format:  Select the number format option depending on the field you are adding. For Example, if a phone DB field is mapped, you must set a number format from the Number Format drop-down list.
    • Fixed Width SizeIf the column width is fixed and not delimited, you must specify values in the following fields:
      1. Fixed Width Size

        • For SMS, set the Fixed Width Size to a value greater than 150.
        • The information gets truncated if the Fixed Width Size is set to a value less than the actual length of characters.
      2. Padding Chars
      3. Alignment
  4. Click Ok to add a mapping.
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