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Use the chat module to route an incoming chat to either a bot (system chat) or to an agent.

Message Properties

Display Name


System Chat (true) or Agent Chat (false)

(default true)

  • System Chat:  customer chats with a bot
  • Agent Chat:  customer chats with a live agent 
Variable to store the inbound chat message

The variable inbound_chat_message is automatically created within the contact flow once a chat module is added and saved. It stores any message the customer creates.







Variable to store the outbound chat message

The variable outbound_chat_message stores the text that the consumer receives either through the bot or the agent.







System Participant Name

This is the display name that shows either when a bot is configured to chat or when an automated reply is sent while connecting to an agent.

Initial Auto Response MessageThe message that the consumer receives on initial connect.  Example: "Please wait while we connect to the agent."
Timeout for Chat Session in secondsChat session termination timeout if no messages are received or sent within the specified time. Default value: 360 seconds. (This value does NOT determine when an ongoing chat times out.)


For information on the module connectors, see Understanding Connectors.

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