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  • Provides summarized agent-level metrics for the selected time periods. Unlike the Agent Activity Report that provides a day-by-daybreak out, the Agent Summary Report can provide aggregate information of multiple days. This report is valuable for quickly viewing an agent's overall metrics or comparing those metrics with the average or other agents.
  • To access the Agent Summary Report click on the Agent Summary Report link from the Review tab of Navigation Panel. This takes you to the Agent Summary Reporting search tool to choose the parameters for the report.

This report may only be generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 31 days. LiveVox may provide results for additional time frames if requested. Data can be generated from up to 180 days back.

No fields are required to enact a search. 

  • Date Range – Enables you to type in dates or choose them using the calendar drop down buttons. The calendar allows you to select the start and end date range.
  • Advanced Date Configuration – Clicking on the link next to the calendar button will open the Advanced Date Configuration selection interface. 
    • Multiple sequential or non-sequential dates can be selected using the Multiple options.  You may enter dates in the format of MM/DD/YYYY or select them using the calendar button.
  • Call Center –  Select a call center with a drop down menu. Multi-Call Center Selection can be performed by using the hyperlink titled Show Multi-Call Center Selection .
    • Multiple Call Center Selection – Clicking on the link next to the Call Center drop down menu will open the multiple call center selection window
      • Multiple Call Centers can be easily chosen by holding down the CTRL key when making selections.
      • You may sort call centers in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.
      • Use the arrow buttons to move the selection to the right-hand box. You may choose to move one service or call center at a time using the single arrow buttons or all services/call centers with the multiple arrow buttons.
  • Service – A particular service can be selected using the service drop down box.  If a particular call center is selected prior to selecting a service, services only available for that particular call center will appear.
    • Multiple service Selection – Clicking on the link next to the service drop down menu will open the multiple service selection window:  
      • Multiple services can be easily chosen by holding down the CTRL key when making selections.
      • You may sort services in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.
  • Agent Select the specific agent for whom you want to view the report, using the agent drop down box. Multi-Agent Selection can be performed by using the link next to Agent drop down.
    • Multiple Agent Selection – Clicking on the link next to the Agent drop down menu will open the multiple Agent selection window
      • Multiple Agents can be selected by holding down the CTRL key when making selections.
      • You may sort Agents in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.
      • Use the arrow buttons to move the selection to the right-hand box. You may choose to move one Agent at a time using the single arrow buttons or all Agents with the multiple arrow buttons.
  • Agent Team The specific agent team associated with agents for which you want to view the report. Multi-Agent Team Selection can be performed by using the link next to  Agent  Teams drop down.
    • Multiple Agent Teams Selection – Clicking on the link next to the Agent Teams drop down menu will open the multiple Agent Teams selection window:
      • Multiple Agent Teams can be selected by holding down the CTRL key when making selections.
      • You may sort Agent Teams in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.
      • Use the arrow buttons to move the selection to the right-hand box. You may choose to move one Agent at a time using the single arrow buttons or all Agent Team with the multiple arrow buttons.
  • Service Group (SG) - SG is the system that defines which outbound services agents should be logged into to receive the calls from inbound services as well as outbound blending.  Adding the ability to group the reports' metrics based on the SG allows better visibility into the agents' efficiency across all services (including inbound) they may have been working.
  • Show Termination Codes – If the selected campaign was run on an agent desktop service with disposition codes, the total of these codes will be displayed within the report.
  • Show PTP Amount  displays the cumulative PTP amount entered by each agent for the selected time period and search criteria.
  • Show Detailed Report – Provides the ability to generate a report with detailed information.
  • Service Type – You can select a service type to search for.
  • Generate Report – After your selection parameters are chosen, generate the report by clicking 'Generate Report' located at the bottom of the page. This takes you to the report below. The report will generate with the 2 distinct data categories:

You cannot generate reports for more than 3 days if Show PTP Amount or Show Termination Codes option is selected. The below metrics are shown for a detailed report with termination codes and PTP amount shown.

  • Time Breakdown: Details how agents spent their time using LiveVox for the selected time period.

Agent: Agent Login ID 
First Name: Agent first name
Last Name: Agent Last name
Successful Operator Transfer: Total number of operator transfers that successfully connected to an agent.

Successful OB Transfer: Total number of outbound transfers that successfully connected to the agent. 

Successful Manual Transfer :Total number of manual transfers that successfully connected to the agent.

Successful IB Transfer: Total number of inbound transfers that successfully connected to the agent.

S uccessful Transactional Email: Total number of Email transactions by the agent.

Successful Transactional SMS: Total number of SMS transactions by the agent.

In Call (Min): Total time in minutes all agents were "In Call" agent state 
In Call %: Total amount of time the agents spent "In Call" state divided by the Agent System Time
Ready (Min): Total time in minutes all agents were in "Ready" agent state
Ready %: Total amount of time the agents spent in "Ready" stat divided by the Agents System Time
Wrap Up (Min): Total time in minutes all agents were in "Wrap Up" state
Wrap Up %: Total amount of time the agents spent in "Wrap Up" state divided by the Agent System Time
Not Ready (Min): Total time in minutes all agents were in "Not Ready" state
Not Ready %: Total amount of time the agents spent in "Not Ready" state divided by the Agents System Time
Lunch (Mins): Total time in minutes the agent spent on Lunch break code
Lunch %: Total amount of time the agent spent on Lunch break code divided by the Agent System Time
Training (Mins): Total time in minutes the agent spent on Training break code
Training %: Total amount of time the agent spent on Training break code divided by the Agent System Time 
Break Time (Mins): Total time in minutes the agent spent on Break Time break code
Break Time %:     Total amount of time the agent spent on Break Time break code divided by the Agent System Time
Meeting (Mins): Total time in minutes the agent spent on Meeting break code
Meeting %: Total amount of time the agent spent on Meeting break code divided by the Agent System Time
Technical Difficulty (Mins): Total time in minutes the agent spent on Technical Difficulty break code
Technical Difficulty %: Total amount of time the agent spent on Technical Difficulty break code divided by the Agent System Time
Other (Mins):
Agent System Time (Min): Total time the agent was logged into LiveVox which includes Total Ready, Total in Call, Total Wrap Up, and Total Not Ready Time. 

Agent Productive Time (Min): Total time in minutes the agents spent in an "In Call", "Wrap Up", or "Ready" state.

  • Productivity Metrics  Provides aggregated agent level productivity metrics for the selected time period

Average Call Handled / Agent Talk Hr: Total successful operator transfers divided by Total In Call Time in hours (In Call Minutes divided by 60) 
Average Call Handled / Agent System Hr: Total successful operator transfers divided by Total Agent System Time in hours (Agent System Time Minutes divided by 60) 
Average Call Length (Min): Total "In Call" minutes divided by Total Successful Operator Transfers 
RPC: Payment/ PTP: Total calls with a result code of RPC with Payment Arranged 
RPC: No Payment/ PTP: Total calls with a result code of RPC with No Payment Arranged
WPC: Total of calls coded as a Wrong Party Connect
Non-Contacts: Total calls coded as other (not RPC or WPC)
PTP Amount: Total amount of PTP payment

This data can be searched across a maximum of three days if Show PTP is selected.

Total RPCs: Total of both RPC with Payment Arranged and RPC with No Payment Arranged result codes 
Total RPCs/Agent System Hr: Total RPCs divided by Total Agent Productive Time in hours 
RPC Rate (%): Total RPCs divided Total Successful Operator Transfers
Conversion Rate (%): Total calls coded as a PTP divided by Total RPCs
Termination Codes: Total calls with specific termination code selected.

This data can be searched across a maximum of three days if Show Termination Codes is selected.

  • Additional Links located in the top right corner of the generated report:
    • Export to: CSV, PDF, Excel – Provides you the ability to export report and data to another file type.
    • Help Link – The Agent Summary Report contains a help link which provides definition around key metrics available within the report.
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