Page tree

The Elements section contains pre-configured components that you can further configure if required. For example, we will add the Highlight element to the page and set its properties.

To add elements to a page:

  1. Expand the Elements section, and then drag and drop the Highlight element to the page.
    The page appears as shown below:

    • You can collapse a panel on the canvas by using  collapse icon.
    • You can delete a panel from the canvas by using  close icon.
  2. Click Save.

Managing Properties for the Elements

To change the properties of an element , use the Properties tab. For example, to change the title of the Contact highlight to Highlight.

  1. Select the Contact Highlight element.

    • When you select the Contact Highlight elements, the Component name changes to the element's title, as shown in the image.
    • The Properties tab is enabled.


  2. Click the Properties tab.
    The Properties details tab appears.

  3. Change the values as required.
  4. Click Save.
  • No labels