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Assigns values to variables. Here are some examples of how you could use this module:

  • Build a simple counter function in a contact flow to control how many times a particular part of the contact flow can be looped through before the logic of the contact flow takes a different branch
  • Assign the value of the current day or current time to a contact flow variable, and then branch the logic of the contact flow in different directions based on the value of that contact flow variable
  • Take the results from an HTTP request (via the HTTP module), put those results in various contact flow variables, and then use the variable assignment module to manipulate some of those variables into a single new contact flow variable. For example, concatenate the values of several variables into a single new contact flow variable. 

Message Properties

Display Name

Assignment Expression Define the variable assignment expression.


For information on the module connectors, see Call Flow Editor Connectors.

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