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Below is the list of key terms used within the LiveVox environment.



Automatic Call Distributor (ACD)The LiveVox ACD manages call routing as well as maintains agent state information.
AgentEnd user of the LiveVox Agent Desktop.
Agent Desktop

The customizable agent view of the variable customer information, ACD tools, and disposition codes. Different service types (HCI, Preview) may have unique Agent Desktops.

The Unified Agent Desktop (UAD) is an Agent Desktop that when configured, will expand to display  agent panel and additional widgets within the same screen.

Agent SkillAn attribute of a call and corresponding qualification of an agent. For example, a call may be classified as Spanish, in which case the ACD can attempt to find an agent with the Spanish skill.
Call CenterA logical grouping of services used for reporting and user access control.
CampaignA list of contact records that can be assigned dialing parameters and loaded into a service for dialing.
Clicker (HCI) AgentThe agent signed into an HCI (Human Call Initiator) service who manually selects and launches calls from the HCI Agent Desktop.
ClientA LiveVox Voice Portal with a unique ID.
Closer AgentThe agent handling manually initiated calls from either clicker agents (HCI) or 10-Digit Manual with Transfer agents (10DMT).

Transaction where a connection between one of the LiveVox dialing systems and a caller was established resulting in billable minutes. For outbound transactions this also includes a connection to a caller's telephony equipment (answering machines, fax machines and network voicemail systems).

Dialing StrategyAdministered through the Strategies editor in LVP, a dialing strategy is a set of rules applied to a campaign. Some of the controls include multi-phone number selection and sequencing, auto retry parameters, strategy-to-service association and outcome based requeue logic.
DNCDo Not Call.
Human Call Initiator (HCI) service

With this Human-Initiated Service, a “clicker agent” clicks a button to manually launch a call.  If a consumer answers, the call is then bridged to a “closer agent”, who speaks with the consumer.  

Inbound (IB) serviceAn Inbound (IB) service receives and directs callers using a designated IVR. IB services can be configured to route to agent teams, to certain outbound services using service groups, to themselves using service routing, to voicemail boxes, a self-service IVR, or a combination of these.
Input FilterA core software component, this robust Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) utility is responsible for mapping client-provided data into a database through both simple field mappings as well as complex data transformations.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
  • Outbound IVR:  LiveVox Automated outbound service configured to place the called party, upon live answer detection, into an IVR.  Frequently this strategy is employed to ensure a right party contact (RPC) prior to any attempt to route the call to an agent.
  • Self-Service IVR:  LiveVox Automated service applicable to either an outbound or inbound IVR, a contact management strategy where the called party can self-serve.
  • Inbound IVR: LiveVox Automated inbound service configured to place the caller into an IVR to gather information prior to routing the caller to an agent.
Line 2 - DirectAn agent can be configured with a 10 digit DID (Direct Inward Dial) number with voicemail for customers to contact the agent directly. The Line 2 - Direct is also referred to as agent second line, agent DID, or direct inbound dial.
LiveVox Voice Portal (LVP)LiveVox Voice Portal (LVP) is the administration application for the LiveVox platform.  LVP provides controls for basic tasks such as agent and user administration, list management, and reporting, in addition to advanced tools like the compliance suite, Call Flow (IVR) editor, and other options to customize and monitor the platform.
LCID PackageLocal Caller ID Package. An LCID package is designed to display a caller ID number local, or near-local, to your customers on outbound dialing.  When the customer dials back on the number the LCID package routes to the appropriate inbound group. 
Manual service

Human-Initiated Service that requires an agent to manually input a ten digit phone number onto a keypad, then click a button to launch the call. This same agent handles the call.

MessageA message is an automated system voice message that is provided when a customer dials an inbound number. A service has only one message, but a message can be assigned to many different services.
Non-ConnectTransaction where a connection was attempted between the LiveVox outbound dialing system and a caller was not established. Non-Connects are generally limited to No Answer, Busy and Invalid Phone Number.
PhraseA description of the words used and the audio file which combine together to achieve the messaging an IVR or answering machine message requires.
Preview-All service

Human-Initiated Service that presents the telephone number to an agent who can then choose to either click to call the number or click to skip the number. This same agent handles the call.  

PSTNPublic switched telephone network (PSTN) is the world's collection of interconnected voice-oriented public telephone networks, both commercial and government-owned. It's also referred to as the Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS).
Quick Connect (QC) serviceAutomated outbound service that immediately connects live answers with an available agent.
SegmentA set of grouping rules, attached to a segmentation.
SegmentationA configurable set of segments used for segmenting campaigns into smaller sub-campaigns.
ServiceA virtual agent group with predefined attributes including, but not limited to, messaging, compliance rules, and termination codes. A service exists within a single call center.
Service groupA virtual grouping of services used for call routing or reporting.

The SSH File Transfer Protocol (also known as Secure FTP and SFTP) is a computing network protocol to access, manage and transfer files between LiveVox and external management systems. 

Service-based Routing (SBR)SBR is a call assignment strategy used to route calls to the most suitable agent based upon their skills. For example, if a call is classified as Spanish, SBR will attempt to route the call to an agent with the Spanish skill.
SMSLiveVox offers a high capacity North American Short Messaging Service (SMS) that interfaces with its outbound dialing systems. It offers both standard rate and Free-To-End-User (FTEU) dedicated common short code (CSC) SMS services which have complete mobile carrier coverage in both the U.S. and Canada.
10-Digit Manual with Transfer (10DMT) Service

Human-Initiated Service that requires a “10DMT” or call initiation agent to enter all ten digits of a telephone number onto a keypad in order to launch a call. A call will not launch until the 10DMT agent manually enters all the numbers correctly. The number cannot be copied or pasted onto the interface.  If an incorrect number is entered, the system will ignore the number entry and the 10DMT agent screen will remain unchanged until the correct number is entered. Once the 10DMT agent enters the 10th digit correctly, the call is then launched. If a consumer answers, the call is routed to a “closer agent” who speaks with the consumer. 

10DMT AgentAn agent signed into a 10DMT (10-Digit Manual with Transfer) service who manually enters ten digits of a telephone number onto a keypad in order to launch a call.
Unattended service

Automated outbound service that immediately connects with an IVR application. Regardless of the responses provided, the called party cannot be bridged with an available agent. 

UserEnd user of the LiveVox Voice Portal. Users can be assigned different roles with distinct permissions.
VoIPVoice over IP (VoIP) is a methodology and group of technologies for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet.