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The Services editor offers the General tab that displays the main settings for a selected service:

  • Service
    • Service ID: Sevice ID is a unique identifier code assigned by LiveVox.
    • Name: The description of the service is shown throughout the site.
    • Call Center: The Call Center in which the service is organized.
  • Service Type
    • Service Type:  The drop-down list allows you to choose a service type for the selected service. Available Answering Machine and Pacing options will be affected by the service type selection as follows: 

      Service type (Cloud profile)

      Available Answering Machine options

      Available Pacing options

      Available ACD Mode

      Service type (Cloud profile)

      Available Answering Machine options

      Available Pacing options

      Available ACD Mode

      AgentReg (Auto)Leave Messages Don't Leave Messages

      Lines Per Agent, Max CIP, Abandon Rate

      Agent Call Out,
      Agent at Ready In,
      Agent at Ready Out

      HCI (HCI)Don't Leave Messages, Transfer all ConnectionsLines Per Agent, Max CIPHCI
      InboundDon't Leave MessagesN/A

      Agent Call Out,
      Agent at Ready In, No Acd,
      Agent at Ready Out

      Manual (Manual)N/ALines Per Agent, Max CIPManual
      Preview All (Preview)Transfer all Connections

      Lines Per Agent, Max CIP

      Agent Call Out,
      Agent at Ready In,
      Agent at Ready Out

      Quick Connect (Auto)Leave Messages, Don't Leave Messages, Transfer all ConnectionsLines Per Agent, Max CIP, Abandon Rate

      Agent Call Out,
      Agent at Ready In,
      Agent at Ready Out

      Unattended (Auto)Leave Messages, Don't Leave MessagesMax CIP

      No Acd

      Whisper (Auto)Leave Messages, Don't Leave MessagesLines Per Agent, Max CIPNo Acd
      10DMT (Manual)Don't Leave Messages, Transfer all ConnectionsLines Per Agent, Max CIP10DMT
      API_Enabled (API Enabled)N/ALines Per Agent, Max CIPHCI, 10DMT, Manual
      SMS (Auto)Don't Leave Messages, Transfer all ConnectionsMax CIPNo Acd
    • Call Direction: Call direction determines whether the service launches outbound calls or receives inbound calls.
    • ACD mode: ACD configuration element which, used in conjunction with a service type, adjusts the agent audio path and/or dialing behavior for a given service. 
      • 10DMT: Used in conjunction with 10DMT service type to complete the configuration of a 10DMT service.
      • Agent at Ready In: Agent logs in and then calls into AgentCall In Number.
      • Agent at Ready Out: Agent logs in, then they are called at their direct number (if available) or the Operator Number, then their unique extension.
      • Agent Call Out: Same as Agent At Ready Out, but calls for each individual connection. Not a persistent audio connection.

      • HCI: Used in conjunction with HCI Service type to complete the configuration of an HCI Service.
      • Manual: Used for manual services. Agent logs in then the system determines whether the service functions as Agent at Ready In if the Agent Call In Number is populated or Agent at Ready Out if the Agent Call In Number is not populated.
      • No ACD: Used in conjunction with Unattended, Inbound, Whisper, and SMS service types. If configured, it removes the agent's ability to access the agent desktop.
    • Created by: LiveVox resource that created the service.
    • Last Modified By: Last resource that adjusted the service.