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Basic Search

You can filter contacts by selecting a field in the Search drop-down list box on the General tab of Contact Manager. The basic search option supports all system and custom fields and easier search functions for phone-specific values, and it enables you to search based on attempts, results, and dynamic dates. The following fields are available for search:

  • Account
  • Account Dialed Today
  • Account Dialed Yesterday
  • Account Due Date
  • Account for LiveVox result

  • Address

  • Agent
  • Agent Team
  • Amount To Speak
  • Call Attempts Life Time 
  • Call Attempts Today
  • Campaign
  • City
  • Country
  • DOB
  • Do Not Contact
  • Do Not Contact Today
  • Email
  • Email Consent
  • Group
  • Guarantor Name
  • Last Load Date
  • Name
  • Original Account Number
  • Payment Balance
  • Phone
  • Phone Cell Consent
  • Phone SMS Consent
  • SMS
  • State
  • Zip/Postal Code

In this image, a basic search is run to display all contact records for which Phone SMS Consent is disabled for the Phone 1 field.

Advanced Search

You can perform an advanced search of contacts by using the Advanced Search link on the General tab of Contact Manager. The Advanced Search window enables you to create search filters and sort contact fields within Contact Manager. The filter criteria are based on various account conditions such as lifetime attempts, recent LiveVox results, and any other variables stored within contacts. After a filter has been created and applied, you can create a dialing campaign for the filtered contacts and associate the campaign with any services. You can also export the filtered list.

The contact fields can be sorted in ascending or descending order. The search conditions are represented in a graphical form. The logical node and the condition node represent the logical operation and the conditional operation, respectively. Logical nodes are represented by a rectangular box; conditional nodes are represented by a circle. The nodes in the same level of the hierarchy are grouped together with the parent node condition.

Advanced Search Window

The Advanced Search window displays the following buttons:

  • Add Filter: Creates a filter. This option clears the canvas to create search conditions.
  • Reset Filter: Resets the filter.
  • Search: Searches for a filter by using Filter By option.
  • Save Filter: Saves the filter.
  • Delete Filter: Deletes the filter, after which the first filter is automatically displayed in the Filter Name drop-down list box.
  • Cancel: Cancels any activity and closes the window.

General Tab of Advanced Search Window

The General tab of the Advanced Search window displays the following buttons and options:

  • Add Condition: Adds a condition to the search filter.
  • Delete Condition: Deletes the condition.
  • Zoom In/Zoom Out: Maximizes or minimizes the graphical representation of the filter.
  • Layout: Enables you to specify one of the following forms for graphical representation:
    • Default
    • Circle Layout
    • Compact Tree Layout
    • Fast Organic Layout
    • Segmentation Layout
    • Stack Layout

Adding a Condition

To add a condition to create logical and conditional nodes, in the Advanced Search window, on the General tab, click Add Condition. This action creates a graphical representation to display the selected criteria.

Add Condition Window

The Add Condition window displays the following fields:

  • Logical Operator: Select the logical operator (AND or OR).
  • Negated: If you want to negate the specified logical operator, select this checkbox.
  • Field: Select the previously configured field.
  • Comparison: Select one of the following relational operators for the search condition. The options in this drop-down list box depend on the data type of the field selected.
    • In
    • Not In
    • Starts With
    • Contains
    • Regex or Regular Expression
      • When basic matches do not work, you can write a regular expression. Regular expressions (regex or regexp) are useful in extracting information from any text by searching for one or more matches of a specific search pattern (that is, a specific sequence of ASCII or Unicode characters).
    • Ends With
    • Is Null
    • Is Not Null
    • > Greater than
    • < Less than
    • = Equal
    • >= Greater or equal
    • <= Less or equal
    • != Not equal
  • Not: If you want to negate the selected comparison relational operator, select this checkbox.
  • Search Text: Specify the value for the selected search condition.
  • Description: Displays the logical description of the condition.

After a condition is added, the updated search filter appears in the Advanced Search window. Click Save Filter and add a filter name to save the updated search filter.

Advanced Filter Examples

Some examples of advanced filter configuration are as follows:

  • Filtering accounts that start with 101, have a payment balance more than $30, and were dialed today.
  • Filtering accounts whose due date is in or after three days.

Modifying a Condition

To modify a condition, on the General tab, double-click the condition or the logical node.

  • Filters are stored locally in your browser cache.
  • Clearing the cookies or cache also clears the search filters stored in your browser cache.

The search condition is reflected in the filter fields of the Make a Campaign and Export options. For information about these options, see Creating a Campaign and  Exporting Contacts.

Sort Columns Tab

The Sort Columns tab of the Advanced Search window defines the sorting of the contact column values for the filter. It enables you to add, modify, and delete the sort order.

The tab displays the following columns and options:

  • Sort By: Contact column for the filter.
  • Sort Order: Sort order for the values in the corresponding contact column.
    • The upward arrow indicates ascending sort order.
    • The downward arrow indicates descending sort order.
  • Add icon: Adds the sort order for another column. You can select the required column and the order of sorting (ascending or descending) for its values. The default sort order is ascending.
  • Delete icon: Deletes the sort order for a column. Select the required row before you click this icon.
  • Upward arrow icon: Moves a column up (in the filter table). Select the required row before you click this icon.
  • Downward arrow icon: Moves a column down (in the filter table). Select the required row before you click this icon.
  • No labels