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Assessor allows you to generate reports at the end of each month for billing purpose.

Navigate to the WFO Assessor > Review tab to generate reports.


Generating a Report

To generate and export the report:

  1. Click the Advanced Search icon (  ) at the upper right-hand side corner. 
    You are presented with search options.

    • Evaluation - You can search for interactions that are evaluated and scored. 
      • Failed - Allows you to select failed interactions.
      • Scorecards - Select a Scorecard from the drop-down menu to search for the recordings based on scorecards.
      • Assessors - Select an Assessor from the drop-down menu to search for the recordings based on the assessor.
      • Score - Specify the range of score to narrow your results. Select the From and To values from the drop-down menu.
    • Call - Allows you to filter recordings based on specified date range, call duration, and disposition codes.
      • From - Specify a start date or choose using the calendar drop-down.
      • To - System automatically sets the end date based on the set start date.

      • Duration (Sec) - Specify the time span of the call to narrow your results. Select From and To values from the drop-down menu.

        This report may only be generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 31 days.

      • Disposition Codes - Select a disposition code from the drop-down menu to search for recordings based on disposition codes.

    • Contact - Allows you to search for recordings based on account, original account number, and phone number.
      • Account - Enter the account number to retrieve the recordings associated with a specific account number.
      • Original Account Number - Specify the alternate account number.
      • Phone - Enter the phone number to retrieve recordings associated with a specific phone number.
    • Context - Allows you to select the following options:
      • Agent- Select an individual agent ID from the drop-down menu to search recordings of the specific agent.
      • Call Centers - Select required call centers from the drop-down menu to search recordings of specific call centers.
      • Services - Select required services from the drop-down menu to search recordings of specific services.

      • Recent Campaign - Select a specific campaign for the report.

  2. Select the required option from the Group By drop-down menu to group the results of the report by Agent, Service, or Agent Teams.
  3. Click the Run button to generate the report. The below screen shows a sample report. 

    Clicking the Reset button clears the selected criteria and allows you to search with new criteria.

    You are presented with the report containing the following fields:

    Name Displays the Agent Logon ID
    Grouped ByGrouped by the Name field
    #ScoredNumber of evaluations done for the interaction
    Average Score The average score of all the evaluations
    Trend PercentageShows a change in a score over evaluations
    Score Graph Shows the score in a graphical view. 

  4. Click the graph icon, the score graph pop-up.   
    This pop-up screen allows you to view a graphical representation of the average score and normalized average score. 
  5. Click the plus sign (+) to view additional details of the scored interactions.
  6.  You are presented with the following details:

    Call Session IdThe session ID of the recording
    Call Date Date and time of the interaction
    Scored DateThe date on which the interaction is scored
    Average ScoreThe average score of all the evaluations
    Failed Failed status of the scored interaction if any
    Assessor User name of the assessor (who scored the interaction)
    Duration The actual time the interaction was connected to the agent in Hours: Minutes: Seconds
    Acknowledgment DateDate of Acknowledgement
    Arbitrator User name of the arbitrator
    Arbitration DateDate of arbitration
  7. Click the Export button at the upper left-hand side corner to export the report in a CSV file.
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