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Creating a Script

To create a script:

  1. Click Scripts SCRIPTS, and then click New.
    The New Script window appears.
  2. Specify values in the following fields:
    • Name: Name to identify the script.
    • Description: Description for the script.
  3. Click Save.
    The script is created, and the Design subtab appears to enable you to design the script.

    By default, the initial page of the script is created and is active. The initial page represents the first page in the script.

Accessing a Script

To access a script, click Scripts SCRIPTS, and then double-click the row displaying the script that you want to access.
The script appears on the Design subtab.

Copying a Script

To copy a script:

  1. Go to Scripts SCRIPTS.
    A table of scripts appears.
  2. Select the row displaying the script that you want to copy, and then click Copy.
    The Copy Script window appears.
  3. Specify values in the Name and Description fields, and then click Save.
    A copy of the script is created, and it appears in the table on the SCRIPTS subtab.

Deleting a Script

To delete a script:

  1. Go to Scripts SCRIPTS.
    A table of scripts appears.
  2. Select the row displaying the script that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
    The Delete Script window appears.
  3. Click Yes.
    The script is deleted, and it does not appear in the table on the SCRIPTS subtab.

Assigning a Service to a Script

To make a script available for your agents, you must assign the script to the services assigned to your agents.

To assign a service to a script:

  1. Click Scripts SCRIPTS.
    A table of scripts appears.
  2. Select the row displaying the script to which you want to assign services, and then click Services.
    A section displaying the Service field appears.
  3. In the Service field, select the service that you want to assign to the script, and then click Add.

    A check is performed to ensure that the script is valid.

    The service is assigned to the script, and the service appears in the service table.

    • You can remove the assignment by selecting the row displaying the service and then clicking Delete.
    • You can hide the section by clicking Services again.
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