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The Machine module usually follows the Introduction module after an answering machine is detected when an outbound call is placed to a customer. Use this module to leave a message on the customer's phone before ending the outbound call.

 You must end the machine module with the End Call module to get the required tfh result (Machine left).

Message Properties

Display Name


Machine PhrasesPrompt to be played on an answering machine. You can edit a phrase by double-clicking the text field to access the Phrase editor. 

Advanced Properties

Display Name


Machine Prompt Repeated in SpanishThe default value is false. Double-click the field and select Yes if you want the prompt to be played on an answering machine in Spanish. 

Contact Flow Properties

Display Name



Yes (default) indicates that the customer can press a key when a message is playing.

No indicates that pressing a key when a message is playing will not stop the message.


For information on the module connectors, see Understanding Connectors.

Example Flow Segment

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