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You can build new forms and set form properties using the options available in the Design tab. Alternatively, you can create or import the stylesheets using Javascript to build the forms.

In the ScriptBuilder window, when you select the Dialogs option, the following tabs appear:

NewEnables you to create a scripting desktop.
DesignEnables you to design or create the layout for the dialog.
PropertiesEnables you to set the default properties of the dialog.
StyleEnables you to set the style for the dialog.

Branching: Enables you to define any logical branching for the dialog.

Actions: Enables you to define actions or events for the dialog.

JavascriptEnables you to define or embed custom JavaScript to be used at the dialog level.
PreviewEnables you to preview and test the dialog from an agent's perspective.


Import ScreenPop:

JavascriptEnables you to use the available Functions and LiveVox API.
Report Config
Changing History
QuestionsEnables you to create questions and answers (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) within a dialog.

Tools and Widgets

New Matching Validation Property

New Matching Validation property has been added to Text fields. This enables users to require that a text field is entered in the same way twice. To set this up, a user should define two text fields on a dialog, with the name for each field being the same, then set the Matching Validation property to True for each field.
New Widget to perform USPS Address Verification

New widget has been added to perform USPS Address Verification by using the USPS Address Verification API. When agent enters an address, and clicks the button to verify address, the USPS API will be invoked to verify the information. The user can right-click any of the fields in the form and associate the name to the corresponding address field in Script Data.

Customers wanting to utilize this widget will be required to sign an agreement as outlined by the USPS.

New Address Input Form object

New object, Address Input Form, has been added to the Script builder. This object, when placed on a dialog, provides a pre-formatted form capturing an Address. The user can right-click any of the fields in the form and associate the name to the corresponding address field in Script Data.
Ability to Customize Address Form

For the USPS Address Verification and Address Input Form, when the object is added to the dialog, a simple configuration will be initially displayed. This configuration enables you to set the following:

  • Default Country for form
  • Country Field Type, Combo Box or Text Field
  • State Field Type, Combo Box or Text Field

State Selection

The State Selector object provides a state selection drop-down list to help ensure that correct state abbreviations are being used within a script.

Country Selection

For the State Selector drop-down list, when the object is added to the dialog, a simple configuration is initially displayed. This configuration enables you to set the default country for a form.

Branching Logic – Ability to set “Trigger” Navigation

You can define when a condition for branching is to be considered by the script. This enables you to choose whether a branch should occur before a load of a dialog or for navigation to the next node.

This function also enables you to make a navigation decision before a dialog is to be loaded. In essence, you can use a piece of data loaded at the connect event of a call to decide what the starting dialog for the script should be. By using the trigger of Before Load, the script can inspect the conditions for branching and navigate to a dialog before any other function is triggered.

iFrame Support

An iFrame can be included within a script to embed a web page inside a script.

Contact Search – Data Field Associations

You can associate the data fields to the fields within the contact search. This function provides a method for you to associate the fields in the contact search with the data fields in the script. The setup for this is found in the Data section of the script builder.

Set Pending Status

By using the lvcore.setPendingStatus function, an agent can set the Not Ready status before they disposition a call, which keeps the agent from being passed a new call and move them into the Not Ready state. This function can be selected when setting the properties of a button click. The following parameters must be set with the function:

Parameter Parameter TypeValue
ReadyBooleantrue or false


Parameter Parameter TypeValue
breakCodeBreak Codes(The manager chooses a value from the list.)

To activate the Not Ready state, the Ready Parameter should be set to false. You can pre-define the Break Code. If left blank in the parameters, the agent is presented with a list of Break Codes to choose from when they select the button.

Disposition Button (notReadyPrompt setting)

The notReadyPrompt setting, which is available in the events of a Term Code, enables you to prompt an agent to go to the Ready or Not Ready state after dispositioning each call.

When defining a button or other object as a Term Code, the notReadyPrompt parameter can display a pop-up window to the agent and force them to choose the Ready or Not Ready state for the next call.

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