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The content builder enables you to create and manage the content of a script quickly. Its primary function is to create multiple questions or text strings on the desktop, without having to create tables and formatting individual elements on the main dialog. In addition, it provides CATI (Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing) features, such as the ability to randomize questions that are being displayed.

You can find content type properties in the following tabs:

By setting the properties of the Text Field question, you can control how the field is presented and behaves on the agent desktop:

  • ID: Unique identifier for the field, designated by the system.
  • Randomize: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the randomization of the various available responses.
  • Required: Sets whether this question is required to be answered by the agent.
  • Hidden: Sets whether this question and available answers are hidden, by default.
  • Disabled: Sets whether this question is disabled on the dialog.
  • Columns: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the number of columns in which those answered are displayed.
  • Left Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the left side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Right Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the right side of the screen. This is measured in pixels. 
  • Top Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the top of the screen (or below the header).
  • Bottom Spacing: Sets the position of the text a certain number of pixels above the bottom of the screen (or above the footer).
  • Question Width: Sets the percentage of the screen available to be used by the question. 
  • Default Label Width: Sets the percentage of the screen available to be used by the label for the question. 
  • Default Field Width: Sets the percentage of the screen available to be used by the field for the question.

By setting the properties of the Text Area question, you can control how the field is presented and behaves on the agent desktop:

  • Left Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the left side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Right Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the right side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Top Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the top of the screen (or below the header).
  • Bottom Spacing: Sets the position of the text to a certain number of pixels, above the bottom of the screen (or above the footer).
  • ID: Unique identifier for the field, designated by the system.
  • Columns: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the number of columns in which those answered are displayed.
  • Randomize: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the randomization of the various available responses.
  • Required: Sets whether this question is required to be answered by the agent.
  • Hidden: Sets whether this question and available answers are hidden by default.

  • Disabled: Sets whether this question is disabled on the dialog.

  • Question Width: Sets the percentage of the screen available to be used by the question.

  • Default Label Width: Sets the percentage of the screen available to be used by the label for the question.

  • Default Field Width: Sets the percentage of the screen available to be used by the field for the question.

  • Text Height: Sets the height of the area provided for a response.

By setting the properties of the Dropdown question, you can control how the field is presented and behaves on the agent desktop:

  • Left Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the left side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Right Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the right side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Top Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the top of the screen (or below the header).
  • Bottom Spacing: Sets the position of the text to a certain number of pixels, above the bottom of the screen (or above the footer).
  • ID: Unique identifier for the field, designated by the system.
  • Columns: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the number of columns in which those answered are displayed.
  • Randomize: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the randomization of the various available responses.
  • Required: Sets whether this question is required to be answered by the agent.
  • Hidden: Sets whether this question and available answers are hidden by default.
  • Disabled: Sets whether this question is disabled on the dialog.
  • Question Width: Sets the percentage of the screen available to be used by the question.
By setting the properties of the Radio Button question, you can control how the field is presented and behaves on the agent desktop:
  • ID: Unique identifier for the field, designated by the system.
  • Randomize: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the randomization of the various available responses.
  • Required: Sets whether this question is required to be answered by the agent.
  • Hidden: Sets whether this question and available answers are hidden, by default.
  • Disabled: Sets whether this question is disabled on the dialog.
  • Columns: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the number of columns in which those answered are displayed.
  • Left Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the left side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Right Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the right side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Top Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the top of the screen (or below the header)
  • Bottom Spacing: Sets the position of the text “X” number of pixels, above the bottom of the screen (or above the footer)
  • Question Width: Sets the percentage of the screen available to be used by the question.
  • Add Other Field: Enables you to accept a text answer as “other” in the event that none of the options are suitable answers.

By setting the properties of the Check Box question, you can control how the field is presented and behaves on the agent desktop:

  • Left Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the left side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Right Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the right side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Top Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the top of the screen (or below the header)
  • Bottom Spacing: Sets the position of the text “X” number of pixels, above the bottom of the screen (or above the footer)
  • ID: Unique identifier for the field, designated by the system.
  • Columns: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the number of columns in which those answered are displayed.
  • Randomize: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the randomization of the various available responses.
  • Required: Sets whether this question is required to be answered by the agent.
  • Hidden: Sets whether this question and available answers are hidden, by default.
  • Disabled: Sets whether this question is disabled on the dialog.
  • Question Width: Sets the percentage of the screen available to be used by the question.
  • Add Other Field – enables you to accept a text answer as “other”, if none of the options are suitable answers.
  • No labels