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After you create a ticket, you can incorporate components, such as a contact, account, task, and comment and even establish connections between tickets.

Once the ticket is created, you can execute the following tasks:

  1. Add: Perform the following tasks using this option: 
    • Generate an account.
    • Set up an alert.
    • Add a comment.
    • Include a contact.
    • Create a task.
    • Establish a link to another ticket.
  2. Link: Perform the following tasks using this option: 
    • Connect an account.
    • Associate with a contact.
    • Link to knowledge base articles.
    • Establish connections with other tickets.
    • Create a hyperlink to a URL.
  3. Follow or unfollow a ticket: Receive notifications for all updates by following a ticket.
  4. Workflow: Modify the workflow status of the ticket.
  5. Delete: Remove a ticket from the system.

Creating an Account for a Ticket

You can create an account for the ticket after creating a ticket.

To create an account using  the Ticketing feature:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to add an account.
    The ticket opens in a new tab.
  3. Click the add icon and select Account.

    The New Account window appears.

  4. In the New Account window, specify the relevant values.
  5. Click Save.
    The account is created, and the details of the account appear on the Account tab.

Linking an Account to a Ticket

You can link an account to the ticket after creating a ticket.

To link an account using the Ticketing feature:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to link an account.
    The ticket window opens.
  3. Click the link  icon and select an account.
    The Link Account window appears.

  4. Double-click and select the account you want to link.
    The account is added to the ticket.
  5. Click Save.

You can create an alert for the ticket after creating a ticket.

To create an alert using the Ticketing feature:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to add an alert.
    The ticket opens in a new tab.
  3. Click the add icon and select Alert.
    The Create Alert window appears.

  4. In the Create Alert window, specify values as required.

    The following are the field descriptions in the Create Alert window:

    EmailThe alerts are sent using email.
    SMSThe alerts are sent using SMS.
    Work QueueThe alerts are sent using the Work Queue window.

    Set the required priority for the alert:

    • High
    • Medium
    • Low
    • Critical
    Days to Complete

    An alert is triggered after completing the set number of days.

    Allow replies

    When you enable this option, the recipient can respond to the alert.


    Select the recipients for whom you want the alert to be triggered.

    Alert Subject Line

    Specify the subject for the alert.


    Specify the required alert.

  5. Click Save.
    The alert is saved to the ticket.

You can create a comment for the ticket after creating a ticket.

To create a comment using the Ticketing feature:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to add a comment.
    The ticket opens in a new tab.
  3. Click the add icon and select Comment.
    The New Comment window appears.

  4. Specify the comment in the text box.
  5. To add a link to the comment, click the link icon.
  6. In the Confirm window, specify the hyperlink and then click OK.
  7. To tag a recipient in the comment, click the icon and select the required recipients.
  8. To make the comment public, enable the View Public option.
  9. Click Save.

Creating a Contact for a Ticket

You can create a contact for the ticket. 

To create a contact using the Ticketing feature:

  1. On the Configure tab of the LiveVox Portal (LVP), click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to add a contact.
    The ticket opens in a new tab.
  3. Click the add icon and select Contact.

    The New Contact window appears.

  4. In the New Contact window, specify values in the Contact Fields.
  5. Click Save.
    The contact is created, and the details of the contact appear on the Contacts tab.

Linking a Contact to a Ticket

You can link a contact to the ticket. The contact is automatically notified of any changes to the ticket.

To link a contact using the Ticketing feature:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to link a contact.
    The ticket window opens.
  3. Click the link  icon and select an account.
    The Link Contact window appears.

  4. Double-click and select the contact you want to link to the ticket.
    The contact is added to the ticket.
  5. Click Save.

You can create a task for the ticket.

To create a task using the Ticketing feature:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to add an account.
    The ticket opens in a new tab.
  3. Click the add icon and select Task.
    The New Task window appears.

  4. In the New Account window, specify the relevant values.

    The following are the field descriptions in the New Task window:

    SubjectSpecify the subject for the task. 
    DescriptionSpecify the description for the task. 
    UserThis is a non-editable field.
    TicketThis is a non-editable field.

    Set the required priority for the alert:

    • High
    • Medium
    • Low
    • Critical
    Due Date

    Specify the due date and time when you want the task to finish.


    Select the type from the drop-down list.


    Select the target from the drop-down list.

  5. Click Save.

Creating a Sub-Ticket for a Ticket

After the ticket is created, you can create a sub-ticket.

To create a ticket using the Ticketing feature:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to add a ticket.
    The ticket opens in a new tab.
  3. Click the add icon and select Ticket.
    The New Ticket window appears.

  4. In the New Contact window, specify values in the Ticket Field Descriptions.
  5. Click Save.
    The ticket is created, and the details of the ticket appear on the tickets tab.

Linking a Ticket to a Ticket

You can link a ticket with another ticket.

To link a ticket using the Ticketing feature:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to link a contact.
    The ticket window opens.
  3. Click the link  icon and select an account.
    The Link window appears.

  4. Select the ticket type (Block or Duplicate) and then select the ticket.
  5. Click Save.
    The ticket is linked to the main ticket.

You can link a Knowledge Base (KB) article to the ticket.

To link a KB article to a ticket:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to link the article.
    The ticket window opens.
  3. Click the link icon and select a KB article.
    The Link window appears.

  4. Select the KB article from the list and then click Save.
  5. The KB article is linked to the ticket.

You can link a URL to the ticket.

To link a URL article to a ticket:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Ticketing > Tickets.
    A window appears displaying the Tickets List.
  2. Locate and double-click the ticket to which you want to link the URL.
    The ticket window opens.
  3. Click the link icon and select a URL.
    The URL window appears.

  4. Select the URL and the Link Text for the URL, and then click Save.
  5. The URL is linked to the ticket.

You can follow or unfollow a ticket; to follow a ticket, click the  icon. 

You can modify the workflow status of the ticket. The following are the workflow states:

  • Cancelled
  • Closed
  • Duplicate
  • Escalate
  • In-Progress
  • On-Hold
  • Open
  • Pending Customer

If you want to delete a ticket, click the Delete icon.

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