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The Contact Flow tab is the main interface for viewing and modifying a contact flow. The display includes panels for basic and advanced contact flow modules, font formatting, and a quick navigation outline. To display the font formatting menu, select a module from the contact flow. 


A module is a container where messaging and logic properties are defined. Modules are located under the Basic and Advanced expandable panels. Hover over each module to view a short definition of its functionality.

After you drag-and-drop a module onto the contact flow palette, you can define its messaging and logic properties by double-clicking that module and adjusting the values on the Message Properties tab. For more information, see Call Flow Editor Modules.


The formatting menu allows you to change the font format, color, fill, etc. of modules and connectors within the contact flow display. You can highlight a specific module within the contact flow or color-code connectors based on function or direction. 



The outline feature displays a graphical overview of the entire contact flow.  You can easily navigate to the desired section of the contact flow using this tool. In addition to the Outline view you can also Zoom In or Zoom Out using the zoom buttons to view the entire contact flow or specific sections.


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