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To confirm the current message:

  • Open the Client editor.
  • Select the service in question and open the Messaging tab.

Note the Message property's Message ID used for the service.  This is the message we will want to consult. Note that the phrase template and message are interchangeable. 

  • Option 1: Select the View Button from the message details UI (previous screenshot) to immediately open the Messages editor to the message applied to the service.
  • Option 2: Go to the Messages editor. Using the Message ID noted previously, select the matching message from the drop down.
  • The message will appear detailing all phrases used. The best practice to listen to current messaging is below:

Visualization: Click the  visualization button in the upper-right of the screen to see the messaging put into a call flow (this is a reflection of the verbiage in the call flow message after last save).

Some of the information for call flows and results available for the Messages are not present in the .gif pictures.  Please run non-production tests to verify the Script and Results meet your expectations. Please send an email to if you need more information.

Verify the messaging by clicking the Validate button. This confirms all the prompts being used are available.

  • Select the General tab.
  • Click Validate.
  • Choose the voice talent you wish to validate the messaging for.

Listen to the message line by line using the Listen button.

  • Select the line you wish to listen to.
  • Click the Listen button.
  • Choose the voice talent you want to hear the message in and click play.

  • Repeat steps for all the lines/voice talents.
  • Make a test call and verify messaging before putting into production.

Message still needs to be built and deployed (Build and Deploy button) into production when changes are made.