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Navigate to the Call Flow Editor (CFE) by selecting Configure > Messaging > Call Flow Editor from the Navigation Panel.

If there aren't any existing call flows, the CFE main screen will look blank.  If you have existing call flows, the CFE main screen will display the first call flow from the dropdown of all existing call flows.  Select other call flows for viewing or editing from this Call Flow drop down.

The CFE main screen offers the following tabs and buttons:

  • Tabs
    • Call Flow Editor - Displays graphical view of call flow.
    • Associated Messages - Lists Messaging using this call flow.
    • View XML - Displays VXML structure that the canvas is represented/stored in.
    • View Call Flow XML - Displays VXML code view of call flow.
  • Buttons
    • Edit Name - Edit the name of the call flow, add a description or enable/disable the support of expressions.
    • Zoom In / Zoom Out – Zoom in or out of the CFE window.
    • Connector – Adds a link between two existing modules. Connectors control where the call flow goes for specified actions and the system code assigned if a disconnect happens at that time.
    • Delete Module(s)/Connector(s) – Removes the Connector(s) or Module(s) that are selected on the screen.
    • Call Flow Variables – Brings up a dialog box that allows you to create temporary variables for use in this call flow only.  Call flow variables can be referenced within specific configuration properties of the http module as well as in the condition module.
    • Deploy – Applies the saved call flow into production. Any associated Messaging will begin using the new call flow once it is Deployed as well.
    • Export – Exports (downloads) selected call flows in different formats.
    • Print – Downloads selected call flow into PDF format for print preview and printing.
    • Delete Call Flow – Deletes the current call flow. Only possible if no Messaging utilizes the call flow. 
    • Copy – Copies the existing call flow.
    • Add Call Flow – Creates a completely new call flow.
    • Save – Saves all changes to the call flow. Saved changes do not affect production until the call flow and its Messaging are deployed. If a module was added or removed one should Save, Deploy, and create/assign new Messaging.
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