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To access the Contact Flow Engine, on the Configure tab, go to Messaging > Contact FlowThe Contact Flow window displays the contact flow that is specified in the Contact Flow field.

The Contact Flow window displays the following tabs, buttons, and options.

Contact Flow Displays the contact flow in a graphical view.
Associated MessagesDisplays all the messages that are associated with the contact flow.
View Contact Flow XMLDisplays the VXML code of the contact flow.
View XMLDisplays the VXML structure in which the contact flow is graphically represented on the canvas on the Contact Flow tab. 

Edit Name

Displays the Edit Contact Flow window, through which you can modify the name of the contact flow and its description, and specify if it should support expressions.

Zoom InZoom in on the contact flow on the Contact Flow tab.
Zoom OutZooms out from the contact flow on the Contact Flow tab.
ConnectorDisplays the Connector Setup window, through which you can create a link between two modules. Connectors define the outcome of a contact flow for specified actions and the system code to be assigned for a disconnect.
Delete Modules/ConnectorsRemoves the connectors or modules selected on the canvas.
Call Flow VariablesDisplays the Contact Flow Variables window, through which you can create temporary variables for use in the contact flow. Contact flow variables can be referenced within specific configuration properties of both the http module and the condition module.
DeployDeploys the contact flow into production. Any messages associated with the contact flow will begin using the contact flow after it is deployed.
ExportDisplays the Export Contact Flow window, through which you can download the contact flow in any of the following formats: mxGraph Editor, SVG, PNG, and PNG+XML.
PrintDownloads the contact flow in the PDF format for print preview and printing.
Delete Contact FlowDeletes the contact flow if it is not associated with any message. 
CopyCopies the contact flow.
Add Contact FlowCreates a contact flow.
SaveSaves the changes to the contact flow. The changes do not affect production until the contact flow and its messages are deployed.
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