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Connectors in a call flow serve three major functions:

  • Links two modules, the source (where flows from) and target (where flows to)
  • Defines the Event, or situation, in which the IVR should flow from the source to the target
  • Sets the Result, or system code, which is applied if the IVR terminates before the target module completes


There are a number of selectable connector events which determine the circumstance in which the call flow moves from the source to the target.  A source module may have several target modules, with the events determining the logic for the flow. 

In the below example the Intro module might flow to two different modules.  The two connectors emanating from the Intro module will route depending on an event - the detection or not of an answering machine - to their target modules of the Machine or Live messages.

The following is a list of possible events.  An event should only be applied for certain source modules (you wouldn't have an Agent Available event after the Machine message module).  The grid of allowed events per source module is below this event explanation list.

Agent Available - When an eligible agent in a resource group linked OB service is in Ready status the call flow will move to the target module (inbound only).

Agent Not Available - When no eligible agents in a resource group linked OB service are in Ready status the call flow will move to the target module. 

Agent Not Logged In - When no eligible agent in a resource group linked OB service is signed into the ACD the call flow will move to the target module (inbound only). 

Call Center Close - When the inbound service's "Inbound Hours" are CLOSED the call flow will move to the target module (inbound only).

Call Center Open -  When the inbound service's "Inbound Hours" are OPEN the call flow will move to the target module (inbound only).

Call Not accepted - When a call is offered to an agent and they choose to not accept the call by selecting the reject button.  Used in conjunction with ACD Call acceptance and / or direct dial and extension dialing (inbound only).

Failure - Generally, the source module's intended action was unsuccessful.  For instance an account/phone lookup or verification module found no match, or a live or answering machine message could not complete the message.

Is Answering Machine? - When source module is introduction Answering Machine Detection might be used (depends on campaign settings). For this event a value of "Yes" or "No" is selected, routing to the target depending on the AMD lookup outcome. 

Key Press - When source module options include key stroke-based branching this event allows routing depending on selection.  The event's value (1-9, *, ? for any key) determines whether this connector is used, moving to the target module.

No Input - When a key press input is expected but nothing is received the call flow will move to the target module.

No Match - When a key press entry does not match source module's accepted selections (phone lookup, account lookup, existing Key Press connectors) the call flow will move to the target module.

Success -  When the source module's intended action was successful, the call flow will move to the target module.  

Invalid Extension - When an invalid extension is entered the call flow will move to the target module.

Timeout - When a call is offered to an agent and they choose neither to accept or reject the call.  Used in conjunction with ACD Call acceptance and / or direct dial and extension dialing (inbound only). 

Team Agent Not Available - When no agents within the defined Agent Team(s) were available within the timeout defined.

Invalid Route Request -  When route request is rejected by ACD; the parameters passed are incompatible with service configuration.

Invalid Agent Team - When route request is rejected by ACD; one or more Agent Teams are not defined for the target service.

Agent End Call - When the agent selects the End Call button within Agent Desktop, this action can trigger any subsequent function as configured via the call flow.  For example, a common feature which can be triggered is a post call customer satisfaction survey (CSAT).

Events Allowed By source Module

For newly created call flows you will only be able to select the events associated to the source module, whereas for the existing call flows, you will be presented with all events. Below is the reference to the events allowed by each source module.

Common Result Mappings

When using connectors the Result is the LiveVox outcome saved if the connection ends before completion of the target module. Examples of the common results that can be used are below. If not already done, you should map your desired custom return codes to these LiveVox outcomes using the Reporting Outcomes Mapper tool. 

  • Customer Not Available (318) - Usually indicates a 3rd party answered and the customer was not available. This result is commonly used after menu modules.
  • Hung Up After Validation (1032) - Typically used after successful phone_lookup, account_lookup or verification modules.
  • Hung Up During Validation (1029) – Indicates customer hung up while validating their information. Typically used right before or after phone_lookup, account_lookup or verification modules.
  • Hung Up in Opening (459) – Indicates customer hung up within the first few modules. Usually used after introduction, identification, check call center, etc modules.
  • Listened (316) - Indicates that a complete message was played to a live person. This result is usually used after the live_person module.
  • Machine, Left Message (461) - Indicates that the system left a complete message on the customer's answering machine. This result is usually used after the machine module.
  • Message Taken by Third Party (317) - Indicates a 3rd party answered and a message was played in full. This result is commonly used after menu modules.
  • No Match in Validation (1030) - Typically used after no match in phone_lookup, account_lookup or verification modules.
  • Operator Transfer (476) – Call was successfully transferred to an agent or voicemail. Used after the external_transfer or operator_transfer module.

    Inbound emails and SMSes appear in the agents' inboxes only when the result of a connector is Operator Transfer.

  • Operator Transfer Failed (No Agent Available) (768) - Call was unsuccessfully transferred to an agent. Used after the operator_transfer module.
  • Operator Transfer Failed (No Answer) (283) - Call was unsuccessfully transferred to a voicemail. Used after the external_transfer module.
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