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A Caller ID (CID) package can contain a list of toll-free numbers, local caller ID numbers, or a combination of both. Any one of these numbers (depending on geography) is designed to be displayed on a call recipient’s caller ID. When the customer dials the number displayed, the number is routed to the corresponding inbound service.

To access this feature, click Configure > Voice > CID Package on the LVP.


Use the Quick Search field to filter and locate a specific CID package.

To view the details of a CID package, double-click the relevant row. The CID Package window opens with the following tabs and buttons:

  • Tabs


    Displays a list of caller ID numbers and respective region details for the selected package.

    Change History 

    Tracks and displays the changes made to the CID package.


    Displays a map that reflects the CID numbers configured for each state.

    • Different colors show how many numbers are configured for each state.
    • Hover over a state on the map to view the corresponding State Details window.
    • Use the Zoom In or Zoom Out icons to maximize or minimize the map.

    Service Mapping

    Displays the outbound services that the CID packages are assigned to.

  • Buttons

    Export Use this button to export CID package numbers to a CSV file.


    Use this button to close the CID package window.

See the Local Caller ID document in Product Documentation > Infosheets for more information.

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