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The Manage-Tasks tab enables intelligent routing of calls into evaluator (Assessor user) queues and provides targeted calls for scoring. You can create new tasks or utilize a saved task, set recurring schedules (daily, weekly, or specific days of the week) to execute the task, retrieve results based on percentage and specify the Evaluator queue where the respective saved tasks are available. The Manage-Tasks tab displays the tasks by default under the List section. You can view the tasks created by all the assessor users in the panel towards the left. The details of these tasks are available in the panel towards the right.

Creating a New Task

To create a new task and assign default quota to the task:

  1. In the Manage-Tasks tab, click Add task.
  2. Select Defineoption to use the available options to define criteria to manage and execute the tasks.

    Field Description
    Schedule Once a task is created, you can set the Start and End date to execute the task. You can also set recurring schedules that recur daily, weekly, or on specific days of a week to execute the tasks by selecting the appropriate option.
    Agents You can select any agent(s) to retrieve and score calls specific to such agent(s) and move them to the Selected column using the right single arrow (move selected). You can remove the agent from the selected list by selecting the agent and moving them to the Available column using the left arrow. You can undo the action by clicking the undo arrow.
    Services You can retrieve calls associated to any Services(s) to score and move them to the Selected column using the right single arrow (move selected). You can remove the service from the selected list by selecting the service and moving them to the Available column using the left arrow. You can undo the action by clicking the undo arrow.
    Disposition Code You can retrieve calls with a particular disposition code to score and move them to the Selected column using the right single arrow (move selected). You can remove the disposition codes from the selected list by selecting the disposition code and moving them to the Available column using the left arrow. You can undo the action by clicking the undo arrow.
    Other Constraints

    You can retrieve the calls specific to an Account number, or Original Account number, Phone number, Call duration, Campaigns and assign them to a task.

  3. Once the criteria to manage the task is defined, Select Assign option to assign the tasks to a particular Assessor (evaluator) queue by selecting the assessor from the Available column and moving them to Selected column using the right arrow. You can remove the assessor from the selected list by selecting the assessor and moving them to the Available column using the left arrow. You can undo the action by clicking the undo arrow.

    Assessors are first assigned under the Administer tab of the Assessor editor before you assign the tasks to a particular Assessor queue by selecting the assessor from the Available column.

  4. Select Allocate option to set quota per task which allows you to retrieve calls based on percentage. For example, You can set the quota such that 5% of calls for every agent will be retrieved as that would be the number you would want to evaluate. If you do not allocate the quota, you will be allocated a default quota based on the availability of the assessor users.
  5. Click Save.

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