Page tree

Depending on the number of call centers and services in the call center, you can view the Agents widget in the graphical or tabular view. In the tabular view, the Agents panel displays the names of all the currently signed-in agents and their status. You can select a page number or use the single-arrow icon in the lower-left corner of the widget to navigate through the list of agents. The double-arrow icons display the first or the last page in the list.


You can search for a specific agent by entering in the Name Filter field at least three consecutive characters of an agent's name.

At the service level, by using the See field, you can filter the names of the agents based on whether an agent is logged in to the service, whether an agent is a target for the service’s call, or both. This field enables you to monitor all agents that are working on the service within a single view without having to switch among windows or go to a higher-level view (call center or enterprise).

The See field contains the following options:

  • All: Displays the names of the agents who are logged in to the service and the target agents for the service.
  • Logged into Service: Displays the names of the agents who are logged in to the service. (This is the default setting).
  • Targeted Agents: Displays the names of the agents based on the preferred routing irrespective of the service in to which they are logged.

For HCI or 10DMT type of service, the See field displays the following options:

  • All: Displays the names of the agents who are logged in to the service and the target agents for the service.
  • Clicker: Displays the names of the agents who are logged in to only the HCI or 10DMT service.
  • Targeted: Displays the names of the agents based on the preferred routing irrespective of the service in to which they are logged. 
The gear icon in the upper-right corner of the widget enables you to customize the columns in the tabular view. For more information, see Customizing GUI Settings.

Agent Statistics

The Agents widget can contain the following columns based on how you customize the table:

  • Logon ID: The logon ID of the agent (loaded by default).
  • Call Center ID: The unique LiveVox ID for the call center where the service in to which the agent is logged resides.
  • Call Center: The name of the call center where the service in to which the agent is logged resides.
  • Service ID: The unique LiveVox ID for the service in to which the agent is logged.
  • Service Name: The name of the service in to which the agent is logged.

    Double-clicking service within the Service Name column displays the agent page for the service.

  • Team ID: The unique ID of the agent team.
  • Agent Team: The name of the agent team of which the agent is part.
  • Name: The name of the agent.
  • State: The current status of the agent. The values include In Call, Not Ready, and Wrap Up.
  • Reason Code: If enabled and provided by the agent, the reason that the agent has entered the Not Ready state.
  • Duration: The length of time that the agent has been in the current state.
  • Call Type: A description of the type of call that the agent is currently handling. The values include Inbound, Outbound, HCI, and Direct.
  • Agent Skill: The agent skill (if defined) assigned to the call.
  • Account: The account number captured for the call.
  • Customer Phone: The phone number dialed (outbound) or the ANI captured (inbound) for the call.
  • Calls Received: The number of calls handled by the agent for the day.
  • # Inbound Calls: The number of inbound calls handled by the agent for the day.
  • # Outbound Calls: The number of outbound calls handled by the agent for the day.
  • # Total Calls: The number of calls handled by the agent for the day.
  • Session ID: The current session ID.
  • Total Ready Time: The total time that the agent spent in the Ready state.
  • Total Talk Time: The total time that the agent spent in the Talk state.
  • Total Wrap Time: The total time that the agent spent in the Wrap state.
  • Total Not Ready Time: The total time that the agent spent in the Not Ready state.

Agent States

The State column displays the current status of an agent. The available statuses are:

  • READY: Agent is idle and ready to receive calls.
  • PREVIEW DIALING: Agent is previewing an account with the option to dial, skip, enter, or dial another phone number manually.
  • MANUAL DIAL: Agent is in the Manual Dial mode (on a non-manual service) before the dial attempt has been launched.
  • DIALING: Agent is in the Manual Dial state (on a non-manual service) before the dial attempt has been launched.
  • TRANSFERRING: Agent has been reserved by the ACD and is in the process of being connected with a call.
  • IN CALL: Agent is currently on one or more active calls.
  • HOLD: Agent has placed all active calls on hold.
  • WRAP UP: Agent has completed a call and is performing after-call work. The maximum wrap-up time can be implemented and adjusted for each individual agent.
  • NOT READY: Agent is currently unavailable and is not able to receive calls. The optional Not Ready reason codes that can be enabled upon request are as follows (this is a standard set that cannot be edited):
    • Lunch
    • Training
    • Break
    • Meeting
    • Tech Difficulties
    • Other
    • Voice Mail (displayed if an agent has selected to listen to their group or individual voicemails)
  • Agents can only receive a LiveVox call if they are in the Ready status. They can receive direct line calls in any mode if this feature is enabled.
  • Outbound calls are only made based on the number of agents in the Ready status.
  • The Duration column displays how long an agent has been in their current status.

  • No labels