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You can view the Agent Queue page by clicking the Agents option on the Monitor tab. The scope of the Agent Queue page is modified depending on the level you select (that is, enterprise, call center, or service) on the left navigation pane. For example, if you are at the enterprise view, the enterprise Agent Queue page is displayed. Similarly, the call center campaign view is a call center Agent Queue page and the service campaign view is a service Agent Queue page. In addition, the scope is defined by the access assigned to your user account.

Depending on the number of call centers and services in a call center, you can view the Monitor and Agents widgets in the graphical view or the tabular view. For information about these views, see Customizing and Resetting GUI Settings.

The following image shows the Agent Queue page displayed at the service level.

The Agent Queue page displays the following widgets:

  • Agents: Displays a list of agents who have logged in to the agent desktop, depending on the selected level (that is, enterprise, call center, or service). For more information, see 2021-10-17_10-33-40_Agents Panel.
  • Hold Queue: Displays the calls that are in the ACD queue waiting to be offered to an available agent. For more information, see 2021-10-16_23-51-28_Hold Queue Panel.
  • Agent Queue Graphs: Displays the Live Connect and Agent Averages charts. For more information, see 2021-10-18_14-41-55_Agent Queue Graphs.
  • Agent States: Displays a pie chart with the distribution of agents by states. For more information, see Agent States.
  • Monitor: Displays a list of service-level real-time key performance indicators. For more information, see 2021-10-15_02-54-19_Monitor panel.

You can open multiple instances of the Agent Queue page within the same browser (through different browser tabs).

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