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You can use the Skill Maintenance section to add new skills to associate with a scorecard. 

Accessing the Skill Maintenance Window

To access the Skill Maintenance window, on the WFO tab, click Conversation Configuration Skill Maintenance.
The Skill Maintenance window with all the configured skills is displayed.

  • To search for a specific skill, use the Search by name field. 
  • To view information about active skills, select the Active Only checkbox.
  • To customize the table columns view, see the instructions in the Customizing a Table section in Reporting.
  • To refresh the list, click the Refresh icon ().

Adding a New Skill

To add a new skill: 

  1. In the Skill Maintenance window, click
    The New Skill Maintenance window appears. 

  2. Specify values in the following fields: 
    1. Name: Specify a name for the skill.
    2. Active: Select the checkbox, if you want to make the skill as active. 
    3. External Name: Specify a name that corresponds to the skill name. 
    4. Language: Select the required language. 
    5. Channel: Select the channel from the dropdown.
    6. Description: Describe the skill (optional).
  3. Click .  

To modify a skill, in the Skill Maintenance window, select the skill to modify and click or double-click the skill. You can modify the information in the Edit Skill Maintenance window

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