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As a manager, you can chat with your agents individually or as a group. To chat with your agents:

  1. On the dashboard, in the panel, click the gear icon gear icon.
    The Plugins option displaying the Chat option appears.
  2. Select the Chat option.
    A checkbox appears next to the name of each agent in the Agent column.
  3. Select the checkbox next to the name of each agent with whom you want to chat.
  4. In the Chat to section, click the Choose the agent you wish to chat with icon Choose the agent you wish to chat with icon .
    A list of the selected agents, along with the option All, appears.
  5. If you want to chat with all the selected agents simultaneously, select the All option. Otherwise, select the name of the agent with whom you want to chat.
  6. In the Chat to section, in the text box, enter your message to the agents, and then click Send.
    Your message is sent to the agents.

    • If an agent responds to your message, the response appears in the Chat to section.
    • If an agent sends you a message while you are chatting with another agent, the letter icon letter icon appears in the Chat to section. When you click the letter icon letter icon, the name of the agent whose message is unread appears with the letter icon letter icon next to it. You can select the name to read the message.
      Unread Chat
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