- Created by Manisha Hegde, last modified on May 25, 2022
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This section allows you to upload and manage campaigns. A campaign is a list of contact records.
You can modify the scope of campaigns displayed on this page.
Use the Call Center and Service dropdown options to filter the displayed campaigns by the selected values.
At the top right of the Campaigns panel, there is a display range dropdown. The following ranges can be selected:
- Today's Active - Campaigns that have been loaded today and are assigned.
- Today's - Campaigns that have been loaded today.
- Today's Unassigned - Campaigns that have been loaded today but are unassigned.
- Last 7 days - Campaigns that have been loaded within the last 7 days.
- Last 30 days - Campaigns that have been loaded within the last 30 days.
- Last 90 days - Campaigns that have been loaded within the last 90 days.
- Tomorrow's - Campaigns created and scheduled for the next day.
The default selected range is Today's. Once a new range is selected you must hit the Refresh button to the right of the drop-down menu. Use the Name filter box to search a campaign by name. The name filter box will be visible after loading 11 campaigns to the selected service. You need to enter at least 3 characters to start the search.
You can customize the fields that are displayed within the Campaigns Grid. Click the cog icon at the top right of the panel to bring up the Customize Campaigns Grid screen. The following optional fields are presented in the Campaigns Grid tab:
- Campaign Name - The filename of the campaign.
- Play State - The current state of the campaign. (Ready to build, Built, Playing, Paused, Completed, Reported, Deactivated)
- Schedule - The selected campaign schedule.
- Type - The type of service on the selected campaign.
- Campaign ID - The ID assigned to the uploaded campaign.
- Call Center - The Call Center of the selected service.
- Service Name - The service name assigned to the selected campaign.
- Service ID - The service's unique LiveVox ID.
- Voice - The assigned voice talent.
- AM Option - The selected automatic machine detection option.
- Strategy - The selected dialing strategy.
- Uploaded - The numbers of contacts uploaded.
- Loaded - The number of contacts loaded. These are valid contacts from the uploaded file.
- Completed - The number of contacts that have completed dialing.
- Remaining - The number of contacts remaining.
- % Completed - The percentage of contacts that have completed dialing.
- Allow Append - Indicates if campaign append is allowed.
- Date Modified - The date the campaign was played.
- Uploaded Date - The date and time when the campaign was uploaded.
- Built Date - The date and time when the campaign was built.
- Actual Start Time- The date and time when the campaign started dialing.
- Actual End Time- The date and time when the campaign finished dialing.
- Control - Control icons to build, play, pause, and stop a campaign.
If the system-generated campaigns (Inbound, Manual, Transactional Email, Transactional SMS, and Scheduled Callback) are paused or stopped manually, you need to confirm the action by selecting an appropriate option from the warning message.
- Scrub - The selected scrub option when uploading the campaign.
To modify the order in which fields are displayed, click and select a field then use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to organize the fields as desired.
You can also configure the sort order of campaigns in the Campaigns Grid by a specific field. Select a field from the Sort Order drop-down menu and campaigns will be sorted by that field in descending order. If you prefer ascending order, click the Ascending check box next to the drop-down menu. When you are finished configuring the display click the Ok button at the bottom of the screen.
To reset the Campaigns Grid to the default display configuration, click your profile picture icon at the top right of the screen. Select the GUI Settings option from the drop-down menu and then click the Reset GUI Settings button from the GUI Settings screen. Refresh your browser to finish resetting the display.
If the active campaign is appended with additional records, the following real-time campaign statistics are updated in the Campaign Grid to reflect appended campaign records:
- Uploaded - Total number of contacts uploaded in the original campaign and all contacts that are appended in the campaign.
- Loaded - Total number of valid contacts in the original campaign and all contacts that are appended in the campaign.
- Completed - The number of contacts that have completed dialing.
- Remaining - The number of contacts that are yet to be dialed.
- %Completed - The percentage of contacts that have completed dialing.
- Loaded and Uploaded values are updated regardless of the campaign is playing or not.
- Timezone Breakdown for the campaign is also updated under the campaign's General tab.
- Click the Upload button in the lower-right corner of the campaign manager window. This will bring up the Upload Campaign window.
- Click on either the Campaign File field or the green arrow icon to navigate to the local directory that contains your upload file.
- Select the file you wish to upload (one at a time) by highlighting the file, and clicking Open, or by double-clicking on the file name.
Campaigns should be submitted individually, not in batches. If you wish to load multiple files they can be sent via SFTP and processed automatically.
Assigning Dial Characteristics
After selecting the campaign file you must assign dial characteristics.
Basic Tab
- Select a service from the Service drop-down menu or click the magnifying glass icon to bring up the Select Service screen. In the Select Service screen, you can search for services by Service Name, Call Center, Service Type, and Preview Mode.
- Select a campaign type from the Campaign Type drop-down menu.
- Adjust or accept the following three phone options.
- The Operator Phone is the number first dialed by LiveVox when extension-based agents are called by LiveVox to tether into the system.
- Caller Id can be selected from the drop-down list. If the Local Caller ID feature is enabled, [Local, rotated] option is the default option. Modify the available CID list from the Services editor.
- The Callback Phone is the number left on answering machines or live person messages by the LiveVox system.
Select the desired voice talent from the Voice drop-down menu.
- Julie - American Female
- Kate - British Female
- Bob - American Male
- Scarlet – American southern Female
- Juanita - Spanish Female
- Gruff M – American Male
- Gruff F – American Female
- Lee – American Male
- Claudine – French Canadian Female
Not all voice talents may be available. Please check with your LiveVox account team about what may be available to your company.
- Select an answering machine messaging option from the AM Option drop-down menu.
- Select a dialing strategy from the Dial Strategy drop-down menu.
- Scrub is a read-only setting that denotes the wireless segmentation option for the selected service. This setting is selected in the Services and Client editor Setting tab. The available wireless segmentation options for a campaign are the following:
- None(0) - This is the default option and if selected, no scrub occurs.
- Wireless(1) - Scrubs all wireless phone numbers so that all landline numbers can be dialed.
- Landline(2) - Scrubs all landline numbers so that all wireless phone numbers can be dialed.
- Segment Wireless(3) - Scrubs all wireless phone numbers from positions 1-15 and place them starting at position 16.
The service level Scrub option auto-populates for the selected service. If the service level scrub option is selected as Select One (Null) for the particular service, then the client level Scrub option will be auto-populated for that particular service when manually loading the campaign.
Advanced Tab
- Click the check box next to Segmentation Template and select an option from the drop-down menu if you want to apply a segmentation template.
- Click the check box next to Allow Append to allow the uploaded campaign file to be appended to an active campaign. To add/append records to active campaigns requires the use of Campaign API. New records can be appended to active campaigns only in Built, Pause or Play status.
- This setting will only display if 'Allow Append' functionality is enabled in Client editor -> Settings tab -> Advanced Features section.
- For append automation support please contact your Account Manager or LiveVox Client Services.
- To manually control the campaign's dialing leave the radial button next to On Demand selected. To schedule a campaign's dialing, select the radial button next to Schedule a run, this will make available Schedule options. By default Start Time and End Time are ASAP and End of Day, respectively.
- ASAP - Start the campaign as soon as possible.
- End of Day - The campaign will end by curfew, depletion, or if a manager stops the campaign.
- Next Day - The campaign will play the following day according to the schedule set.
To specify either Start Time or End Time deselect the checkboxes to the left of ASAP or End of Day and select the hour and minute from the drop-down menus.
Campaign schedules use a 24-hour clock (aka military time) and are based in the Eastern Time Zone.
- Click the Upload button at the bottom of the Upload Campaign window to finish, or Cancel to cancel.
Requeues are additional dialing passes after a campaign has finished dialing or has been stopped manually.
- To create a requeue, select a campaign from the Campaign Grid and click the Requeue button in the lower right of the Campaigns panel.
- Assign dial characteristics as you would for an uploaded campaign.
Please note that you can only requeue within the same call center. You cannot requeue on a service that has custom (different input) logic. Wireless numbers can be 'allowed' or 'suppressed' regardless of prior runs, but wireless numbers previously scrubbed will not be available to dial.
Be sure your campaign requeues only build from the most recently dialed campaign (so data is accurate). Failing to do so may result in redialing an account that was a right party or live party by taking into account that prior run’s outcomes.
- Subsequently requeued files are appended by a file extension of “.r1” representing each prior requeue. For example:
- Requeue of original file = .r1
- Requeue of first requeue (.r1) = .r1.r1
- Requeue of second requeue (.r1.r1) = .r1.r1.r1
Not building a subsequent requeue off of the previous file’s outcomes will append a sequential file extension such as .r2, .r3, etc.
Deactivating a campaign allows for contacts that have not been dialed to be reloaded.
- Select a campaign that has been completed or stopped manually and the Play State is Reported.
- Click the Deactivate button in the lower right of the Campaigns panel.
Double-click a campaign to present the Campaign Details screen. This screen offers the following tabs:
- General - The General tab provides campaign characteristics and timing details, phone numbers used during the course of the campaign, timezone breakdown. You can adjust an active campaign's answering machine option from the AM Option drop-down menu. If campaign append is allowed, it will be displayed as read-only.
- Campaign Records - Provides a detailed view of the first 5000 records. This view can be sorted by Contact Transaction ID, Contact (Account Number), First Name, Last Name, Queued, and Date Modified.
Interactions: Displays the details of all the previous interaction attempts made on a record. The default columns that appear on this tab differ depending on the type of selected campaign (email, SMS, or outbound). You can customize the columns and modify the display by using
The status of a WhatsApp campaign (for example, if a WhatsApp message is read or delivered) appears in the Result column on the Interactions tab of the campaign, depending on the privacy settings of the WhatsApp accounts. For example, if the Read receipts setting is disabled for a WhatsApp account, the corresponding status is not recorded.
- *State Breakdown - A map that shows the percentage of records completed by state.
- *Segmentation - A diagram of the segmentation applied to the campaign.
- Results - Produces a campaign-specific Real Time Report.
- Change History - All campaign activity and changes made by users are tracked.
*These tabs are only available for active campaigns.
You can see the details for other campaigns by clicking the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom left of the screen. You can also Build, Requeue, Play, and Stop campaigns from the Campaign Details screen with the respective buttons at the bottom right. Any changes to the campaign settings can be applied by clicking the Save button at the bottom right of the screen.
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