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  • The Inbound Efficiency Report allows you to view key performance indicators (KPIs) pertaining to inbound call management. 
  • You can pull reports for as many services as are required.
  • The Inbound Efficiency Report is available to the following user roles with access to the inbound service:
    • Auditor
    • SysAdmin
    • Super User
    • Report Viewer
    • Manager

This report may only be generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 31 days. LiveVox may provide results for additional time frames if requested. Data can be generated from up to 90 days back.

  • Date Range – Enables you to type in dates or choose them using the calendar drop down buttons. The calendar allows you to select the start and end date range.
  • Advanced Date Configuration – Clicking on the link next to the calendar button will open the Advanced Date Configuration selection interface. 
    • Multiple sequential or non-sequential dates can be selected using the Multiple options.  You may enter dates in the format of MM/DD/YYYY or select them using the calendar button.
     Call Center – Select a call center with a drop down menu. Multi-Call Center Selection can be performed by using the hyperlink titled Show Multi-Call Center Selection
    • Multiple Call Center Selection – Clicking on the link below the Call Center drop down menu will open the multiple call center selection window
      • Multiple Call Centers can be easily chosen by holding down the CTRL key when making selections.
      • You may sort call centers in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.
      • Use the arrow buttons to move the selection to the right-hand box. You may choose to move one service or call center at a time using the single arrow buttons or all services/call centers with the multiple arrow buttons.
  • Service – A particular service can be selected using the service drop down box. If a particular call center is selected prior to selecting a service, services only available for that particular call center will appear.
    • Multiple service Selection – Clicking on the link below the service drop down menu will open the multiple service selection window:  
      • Multiple services can be easily chosen by holding down the CTRL key when making selections.
      • You may sort services in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.
  • Breakdown by Call Center/service – The setting allows the breakdown of each call center's activity rather than just a total for the enterprise (example of the Inbound Efficiency report generated using this criteria is shown below)

  • Group by Interval – The setting allows you to take one service and break out a single day worth of data into 15 minute, 30 minute or 1 hour intervals (example of the Inbound Efficiency Report generated for a 30 minute interval is shown below). Selecting this search criterion is not required to generate a report. Only one day of data can be generated when the Group by Interval is selected.

  • The Inbound Efficiency Report has service group (SG) selection query available in the search window. SG is the system that defines which outbound services agents should be logged into to receive the calls from inbound services. Adding the ability to group the reports' metrics based on the SG allows clients better visibility into the agents' efficiency across all services they may have been working.

The SG selection will only appear in the search window if there is existing SG (s). Otherwise, the option will be hidden.

  • The Inbound Efficiency Report includes the Service Level metric. Service Level is critical for managing inbound traffic. It is defined as the percentage of inbound calls that are answered or abandoned within a defined time threshold. A customizable Service Level target threshold is supported at both the client and service levels. Each service has a single Service Level target and service level overrides client level.

The default value for Service Level is set to 20 seconds for all clients.

  • When selecting a Service Level target percentage (SLA Target (%)), all Service Levels below this target will be shown in red.

  • Generate Report – After your selection parameters are chosen, you can generate the report by clicking on Generate Report button located at the bottom of the page. This takes you to the report below. The report will generate with the following data:

Total Calls: Total number of connected calls

Offered: Total attempted transfers to agents

Handled: Total calls successfully transferred to an agent

Abandoned: Total calls that failed to transfer (Operator Transfers - Successful Operator Transfers)

Abandon Rate %: (Failed Operator Transfers / Operator Transfers)*100

Service Level: ((Calls answered inside threshold + Calls abandoned inside threshold)/Total calls offered to ACD) *100

ASA:Avg Speed of Answer: Hold Duration / Operator Transfers

Avg Abandon Time: Avg Hold Duration for Failed Operator Transfers (Hold Duration for Abandon Calls / Failed Operator Transfers)

Total Talk Time: Total time agent was in call

Total Hold Time: Total hold time duration

Total Wrap Time: Total time agent was in wrapup

Total Handle Time:Total Talk Time + Total Wrap Time

Avg Talk Time: Total Talk Time / Successful Operator Transfers

Average Hold Time: Average Hold Time - Total Hold Time / Handled

Wrap Time:Total Wrap Time / Successful Operator Transfers

Avg Handle Time: Total Handle Time / Successful Operator Transfers

  • Additional Links located in the top right corner of the generated report:
    • Export to: CSV, PDF, Excel – Provides you the ability to export report and data to another file type
    • Help Link – The Agent Summary Report contains a help link which provides definition around key metrics available within the report
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