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The Work Queue Performance report allows you to view the details of all Work Queue tasks and filter by specific criteria to see the current status of a task. You can generate Agent, Arbitrator and Manager task performance report.

Navigate to WFO > Quality Assurance Reporting > Work Queue Performance Report from the navigation panel, to access the Work Queue Performance Report.

  • Agent Work Queue Report - Agent tab of QM Work Queue Performance Report provides Agent's performance details in processing Workflow Tasks. The search panel on the left hand side of the Agent tab allows you to select the search criteria and filter the results based on Agent and/or Task Date Range. You can view the following details in the report:
    • Task ID - Task ID
    • Agent - Agent ID
    • Task - Type of task
    • Status - Status of the task
    • Assignment Date - Displays the task assignment date
    • Completion Date - Displays the task completion date
  • Arbitrator Work Queue Report - Arbitrator tab provides details of the Arbitrator's performance in the Workflow Tasks assigned. The search panel on the left hand side of the Arbitrator tab allows you to select the search criteria and filter the results based on Arbitrator and/or Task Date Range. The report displays the following details:
    • Task ID - Displays the Task ID
    • Arbitrator - Displays Arbitrator ID
    • Agent - Displays Agent ID
    • Task - Type of task
    • Status - Current status of the task
    • Assignment Date - Displays the task assignment date
    • Completion Date - Displays the task completion date
    • Days To Complete - Number of days required to complete task
  • Manager Work Queue Report - Manager tab provide details of manager's performance in the Workflow Tasks and the scoring of calls. The search panel on the left hand side of the Manager tab allows you to select the search criteria and filter the results based on Agents, Arbitrator, Call Date Range, Call Center, Service, and/or Task Status. The report displays the following details:
    • Task ID - Displays the Task ID

    • Agent - Displays Agent ID

    • Assessor - Displays Assessor ID

    • Arbitrator - Displays Arbitrator ID

    • Task - Type of task

    • Status - Current status of the task

    • Assignee - Displays task assignee ID

    • Assignment Date - Displays the task assignment date

    • Due Date - Displays the due date of the task

    • Completion Date - Displays the task completion date

    • Score - Displays the original score of the evaluation

    • Adjusted Score - Displays the adjusted score of the disputed evaluation

    • Service - Service Name

    • Account - Account Number for the record

    • Phone - Displays the Phone number used to contact the account

    • Campaign - Name of the campaign the phone number was found within

    • Disposition Code - Displays the disposition code used to disposition the call

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